onsdag den 29. maj 2013

Tactical note: Go overweight fixed income & JPY


Tactical note: Go overweight fixed income & JPY

The US bond market has been under significant pressure and have led 10Y fixed income to a yield in excess of 2,20% - this compares with stock market yield of 1,95% for S&P500.

Why take the higher risk in stock market when bond market gives an additional 25 bps plus a free PUT option on the stock market at these elevated levels?

Source: http://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-dividend-yield/

The convexity is a complicated thing, but in short it means the managers of mortgage bonds gets shorter when market goes up, and longer when the market goes down if moves is big (as last month) then it becomes major driving force of direction. This leads to increase hedge activity which spills over to 10Y bond and its equivalent leading to massive correction insde a general higher yied trend.

A great piece on this is Michael Ashtons: Bonds and the "convexity trade"

The bottom line is US rates may have peaked, the bond market is a classic mean-reversion market which moves inside a very defined range. The below chart is the 30Y US bond which have traded in well defined range since early 1990s only to break down during 2008/09 & 2012 debt crisis. The recent move have moved the "momentum to a 50% correction, which should be difficult to break.


We think being overweight FI is now the right Alpha exposure, starting by buying one unit of T-bond September today (ZNU3 in Saxo Trader) @ 130 19/32 with stop below 130.00.

We have also taken short-term and tactical profit on ALL our short US Dollar (ZAR,CAD, and AUD) but have increased our USDJPY short (see yesterday's note). I must state that this is a correction we are looking for - Not a new trend, but in the Alpha side of trading I have changed bias so we are now:

  • Long FI - from short. Long US - was short OAT (France)
  • Short US Dollar vs. EUR, GBP and JPY - was long US vs. ZAR, PLN, CAD, AUD and NZD
  • Bought down-side in stocks (S&P puts 1590 July) (yes if convexity trade happens it will lead to correction in stock market also due to relative value trading...)

Safe travels,



Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Economist


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
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Stress Indicators: Fixed income carnage?

Stress Indicators: Fixed income carnage?

This week the Stress Indicators shows stress in fixed income both in the US and Japan, but also generally. We also see dividend yields for stocks lower than 10 year US rates - indicating a move should soon start back to fixed income:

Meanwhile in '10-year land' - we remain focused on OW - certainly from this level 219 basis points.

 CRB - Commodities seem to have broken down - and the US Dollar index is up:

JPY rates are going up, up and away despite Bank of Japan talk and action:

France bond - OATs are starting to underperform - we like it...


Stocks are above their 50-day moving average and stubbornly bid....

Finally, the ultimate risk indicator the AUDJPY - is it looking offered?

We are most certainly in the eighth inning of a nine-inning baseball game. The pitcher has a tired arm and there is no reliever on the bench. Will the market hit a "home run" off his weak arm? I think so.

The indicators above tell a story of fatigue and the International Monetary Fund and EU Commission have confirmed in their state of the economy forecasts today that they will continue to close their eyes to the reality of Bermuda Economics - going for the all too well known theme of pretend-and-extend - a theme I talked to CNBC about this morning: http://tinyurl.com/pej2hor




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Economist


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


Please visit our website at www.saxobank.com


Macro notes EU Commission report (total waste of time), PLN, ZAR, AUD new lows, Yield in stocks now LOWER than in Fixed income, and JGB sending warning signal

EU Commission report today:


Expect: Nothing – this is futile exercise of pretend-and-extend. Spain, Netherland and France will get another two years to adjust their deficit below 3.0%


Slovonia will NOT get penalized due to political reasons. How can EU Commission name "small country" and not big ones? Clearly not.


The Six Pact (Five regulation and one directive) is good in concept. Having two major channels: A preventive and a corrective side.


The EU Summit of 2011 instituted this change and the main new thing being the countries, the political master of EU, needs to reverse with qualified majority the decisions taken, but…. No as with anything in the EU – it's all talk and no action.


If Spain failure to meet 3% for now fifth year running is not enough to get them under Excessive Deficit Procedure what is?


The EU and ECB always thinks recovery is six month away despite the logic of Bermuda Economic dictates things are getting worse quarter by quarter.


S&P Dividend yield is now below 1o Y US rates (1.93% vs. 2.19%)




Why own stocks at lofty PE of 18 when you can get better yield and a "free put option via fixed income" – I will increase my FI exposure here in classic mean-revertion trade.


Super cycle and growth hits South Africa, Austalia and Poland


All above has been success stories through the crisis now… they all have much weaker currencies. EURPLN this morning followed USDZAR and AUDUSD weaker…breaking 4.2100:



JPY sending warning signal – will USDJPY reverse soon





Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Economist


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


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tirsdag den 28. maj 2013

ZAR set to be a big loser as the commodity Super Cycle winds down

ZAR set to be a big loser as the commodity Super Cycle winds down

Since my visit to South Africa in November last year, I have advocated a short ZAR versus the USD basically against anything. South Africa is a young nation making many mistakes - as one would expect anywhere. But increased tensions, its rich entitlement programme and "one-trick pony" economy that is dependent on the commodity Super Cycle has, like other emerging nations, seen it engage in the manipulation of its currency. Hence, the strong negative bias (read my macro report on South Africa from last November).

The issue has accelerated this month, with ZAR down more than 7 percent. The yield curve has also steepened, indicating that the market (foreign investors) has realised that the South African Reserve Bank will cut rates despite being at risk of violating its inflation mandate (2-30Y + 33 bps & at 300 bps).

This morning, we will get GDP for the first quarter. Despite government and consensus growth of 2.65 percent, this is seen at a meeker +1.6 percent because a serious slowdown as expected.


Expected data from Bloomberg consensus at 11.30 this morning:

The 10-year yield is up 50 bps this month, outperforming even the US:

We are, as said, long USDZAR, with the initial medium target being 9.83/9.84, then 10.50/60.

As the commodity Super Cycle winds down, South Africa has only one choice left: to accept medium-term higher inflation for a lower currency. However, a society that is far from a mandate for real change will ultimately go down the easy policy path of manipulating its currency. But the irony is that most listed companies in South Africa will benefit from a lower currency rate due to export earnings (outside South Africa) being more than 60 percent.

Safe travels,




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Economist


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


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Macro Alert: May28th EU Commission presents the 2013 country specific recommendation: Slovenia in play?


Tomorrow the EU Commission will presents the 2013 Country-Specific recommendation. Sounds boring but remember the voting rule have changed so it will take "an absolute majority against" for the EU Council to avoid these tough measures.

In other words: The EU Commission can enforce its two-pack and six-pack economic monitoring on countries - first up: Slovenia and maybe Spain, but Spain being major country may get of lightly, too lightly:


This is KEY change to EU's working and I suggest reading up on it:


This is the 2012 EU Country recommendations:http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/making-it-happen/country-specific-recommendations/2012/index_en.htm

I will make bigger comment in this week Steen's Chronicle.





Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Economist


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


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fredag den 24. maj 2013

Steen's Chronicle: CORREDTED: Commodity Super Cycle ending meets QE 8th inning.


Dear Friends,


This morning I tried to forward my latest piece called: Commodity super cycle ending versus QE 8th inning but not only did I fail to properly BCC the e-mail I also misquoted Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam using a newspaper source.


Furthermore I wrote Singapore is an advisor to China – what I meant was: Singapore is a model for most of Asia. That mistake is entirely mine.


This has now been corrected and I am sorry for all the confusion.  I hope you all have a nice week-end


Safe travels,


Steen Jakobsen





Commodity super cycle ending versus QE in the eighth inning


I am in Singapore at the moment, a place that always stimulates a good deal of thinking on global macro themes. This time, I am taking my cue from high ranking officials here, who are warning about two issues: The need for reform in China and the bubbles caused by global quantitative easing (QE). Or, as the headline to this piece reads: Commodity super cycle ending versus QE in eighth inning. (For non-baseball aficionados, note that a standard game has nine innings - i.e. we are very late in the game.)


Ninth inning delayed due to Carney

The only reason we are not in the ninth inning is that Mr. Carney has yet to assume the helm at the Bank of England from July 1, meaning the world is likely yet to see the final pusher of US-inspired monetary drugs arriving on the world scene this summer.


Mr. Mark Carney's career is of the classic Keynesian stripes through and through: Chairman of the G20 Financial Stability Board, former employee of Goldman Sachs, worked in Canada's Department of Finance and finally, of course, served as Bank of Canada Governor. His degrees are from Harvard and Oxford. You cannot get more Keynesian/dirigiste than that. So get ready for the UK version of QE to Infinity. We are very negative GBP for the second half of 2013, and awaiting the catalyst to this trade.


Singaporean officials advocate reform


Back to Singapore – the officials here, whom I must say I respect greatly, have all been out advocating defensive strategies and the need for reform. That is a drum I have also been beating on a good deal over the last couple of years, with the key challenge in a crisis being that things usually need to get so critically bad before you can arrive at the necessary mandate for real change.

On Monday, Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam struck a tone we should all embrace: "The global economy could face the risk of stagnation if it does not embark on fiscal consolidation and structural reforms for more sustainable growth in the next 10 years".


On a way forward for both developed and emerging economies:


"I think, finally, structural reforms and supply side reforms are not just a priority for advanced economies but also a priority for the emerging economies. Moving up from lower income to middle income level is an easier process than moving from the middle to upper and higher income level. That second stage of moving beyond middle income is really about institutional reform. It is about financial markets reform and the gradual marketisation of finance. It is about improving systems of governance. It is about providing predictability to long term investors, so as to reduce regulatory risks in infrastructure and in all areas of investments. These are institutional reforms that are critical. And even with respect to human capital development, we are by and large not in a situation where we can say that the emerging market economies are prepared for a move from middle income to upper middle income and higher income. Investment in education remains a critical priority for most of the emerging economies."

I could not agree more – the way out of this present low growth/low productivity environment is to do exactly that: Increase incentives with appropriate tax structures, make sure you have the best and most flexible workforce, and support any start-up or emerging industry which is able and willing to take risk. This is the supply side at work – and the micro-economy, which, as I have stated so often before, is 80-85 percent of the economy. Also, do not forget the Bermuda Triangle of Economics concept – which discusses the insidious mentality and effects of the "macro-prudential" bubble-blowing.

Current accounts do not lie
The end of the commodity super cycle means lower growth from China. The key transformations for driving a Chinese economic retooling are indicated on the slide below.


Some of the lower growth potential is due to an increasing loss of competitiveness, a development that is clear to see from the trends in Asian current account data. During the best years, the Asian export powers and BRIC countries' (Brazil, Russia, India, China) current account surpluses amounted to 5-7 percent of GDP. Now the BRIC current accounts are barely positive and Asia as a whole is down below 2 percent. Current account data does not lie: it is the first place to look for rating competitiveness.

Smaller current account surpluses to recycle means less domestic demand in China, which again means less growth in commodity currencies and for Asia as a whole. On the more positive side, the world is more balanced today than it was in 2006-07, when the Asian surplus versus US/Europe deficit was at its most extreme. The challenge has always been to smooth these global imbalances, or we would have ended with an Asia with all the wealth and no customers in a bankrupt US and Europe.


Commodity super cycle pauses
Now, while US and European governments are clearly still on the brink of bankruptcy, the private sector is roaring back to life.

Speaking at the 66th CFA Institute annual conference, former chief investment officer of Government of Singapore Investment Corp.(GSIC), Mr. Ng Kok Song summed it up nicely: "China has become a change factor in the global economy over the past years – the question is whether China will continue to be the significant change factor in for the global economy and what the implication is for us as investors".

Clearly the Commodity Super Cycle is on "pause" or has even ended, and this will dramatically change our allocation – the current account trend above shows this, the dramatic sell-off in Australia is another, and soon other commodity currencies should be following here in the region. (See more about the most commonly traded commodity foreign exchange currencies in this article: Commodity super-cycle warnings put these currencies most at risk.) The irony here is that it has taken the "pundits" almost two years to figure out that the CRB index topped in 2011 (and at a level still lower than in 2008!) I guess that is the work of QE to Infinity, then?


Listen when Singapore speaks
The implication, at least in the eyes of GSIC's new chief investment officer Mr. Lim Chow Kiat, is lower returns on bonds and stocks for the next 10 years.

Citing different portfolio models, he said the average annual return on bond yields will be about 1.9 percent over the next decade, while equities may offer a 1.6 percent median real return a year in that period. Adding later that "more and more investors are being crowded into searching for yields and taking risk, this leaves little on the table to cushion adverse outcomes".

Indeed it is nice to be in a country that is so pragmatic, faces challenges head-on and believes in the longer term. When Singapore speaks, I tend to listen. This country is a refreshing change of pace from what I see almost everywhere else in my 100 days a year on the road: promises of reform and a recovery "only" six months away. Yeah, right. The rest of the world could stand to take a page from Singapore's playbook.

Safe travels,


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torsdag den 23. maj 2013

Recall: Chronicle: Commodity super cycle ending versus QE in the eighth inning

Steen Jakobsen (SJN) would like to recall the message, "Chronicle: Commodity super cycle ending versus QE in the eighth inning".
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Chronicle: Commodity super cycle ending versus QE in the eighth inning

Commodity super cycle ending versus QE in the eighth inning


I am in Singapore at the moment, a place that always stimulates a good deal of thinking on global macro themes. This time, I am taking my cue from high ranking officials here, who are warning about two issues: The need for reform in China and the bubbles caused by global quantitative easing (QE). Or, as the headline to this piece reads: Commodity super cycle ending versus QE in eighth inning. (For non-baseball aficionados, note that a standard game has nine innings - i.e. we are very late in the game.)

Ninth inning delayed due to Carney
The only reason we are not in the ninth inning is that Mr. Carney has yet to assume the helm at the Bank of England from July 1, meaning the world is likely yet to see the final pusher of US-inspired monetary drugs arriving on the world scene this summer.

Mr. Mark Carney's career is of the classic Keynesian stripes through and through: Chairman of the G20 Financial Stability Board, former employee of Goldman Sachs, worked in Canada's Department of Finance and finally, of course, served as Bank of Canada Governor. His degrees are from Harvard and Oxford. You cannot get more Keynesian/dirigiste than that. So get ready for the UK version of QE to Infinity. We are very negative GBP for the second half of 2013, and awaiting the catalyst to this trade.

Singaporean officials advocate reform
Back to Singapore – the officials here, whom I must say I respect greatly, have all been out advocating defensive strategies and the need for reform. That is a drum I have also been beating on a good deal over the last couple of years, with the key challenge in a crisis being that things usually need to get so critically bad before you can arrive at the necessary mandate for real change.

On Monday, Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance MinisterTharman Shanmugaratnam struck a tone we should all embrace: "The global economy could face the risk of stagnation if it does not embark on fiscal consolidation and structural reforms for more sustainable growth in the next 10 years".

Directly on China he said: "China must tackle institutional reform if it is to maintain dynamic economic growth in the long term and avoid falling into a so-called middle income trap of rising costs and falling competitiveness". Note that Singapore is a key advisor to the government of China.

On the present state of the economy: "There is too much reliance on central banks to do the heavy lifting but it will also delay the reforms needed to get the global economy back to normal growth".

The part of the speech that European (and US) policymakers need to listen to or learn from was: "We know what needs to be done in tax reforms, in labour market reforms, in building up human capital, in redressing imbalances and competitiveness, in allowing new growth industries to emerge in advanced economies, pension reforms in China, in the old emerging economies".

I could not agree more – the way out of this present low growth/low productivity environment is to do exactly that: Increase incentives with appropriate tax structures, make sure you have the best and most flexible workforce, and support any start-up or emerging industry which is able and willing to take risk. This is the supply side at work – and the micro-economy, which, as I have stated so often before, is 80-85 percent of the economy. Also, do not forget the Bermuda Triangle of Economics concept – which discusses the insidious mentality and effects of the "macro-prudential" bubble-blowing.

Current accounts do not lie
The end of the commodity super cycle means lower growth from China. The key transformations for driving a Chinese economic retooling are indicated on the slide below.

Some of the lower growth potential is due to an increasing loss of competitiveness, a development that is clear to see from the trends in Asian current account data. During the best years, the Asian export powers and BRIC countries' (Brazil, Russia, India, China) current account surpluses amounted to 5-7 percent of GDP. Now the BRIC current accounts are barely positive and Asia as a whole is down below 2 percent. Current account data does not lie: it is the first place to look for rating competitiveness.

Smaller current account surpluses to recycle means less domestic demand in China, which again means less growth in commodity currencies and for Asia as a whole. On the more positive side, the world is more balanced today than it was in 2006-07, when the Asian surplus versus US/Europe deficit was at its most extreme. The challenge has always been to smooth these global imbalances, or we would have ended with an Asia with all the wealth and no customers in a bankrupt US and Europe.

Commodity super cycle pauses
Now, while US and European governments are clearly still on the brink of bankruptcy, the private sector is roaring back to life.

Speaking at the 66th CFA Institute annual conference, former chief investment officer of Government of Singapore Investment Corp.(GSIC), Mr. Ng Kok Song summed it up nicely: "China has become a change factor in the global economy over the past years – the question is whether China will continue to be the significant change factor in for the global economy and what the implication is for us as investors".

Clearly the Commodity Super Cycle is on "pause" or has even ended, and this will dramatically change our allocation – the current account trend above shows this, the dramatic sell-off in Australia is another, and soon other commodity currencies should be following here in the region. (See more about the most commonly traded commodity foreign exchange currencies in this article: Commodity super-cycle warnings put these currencies most at risk.) The irony here is that it has taken the "pundits" almost two years to figure out that the CRB index topped in 2011 (and at a level still lower than in 2008!) I guess that is the work of QE to Infinity, then?

Listen when Singapore speaks
The implication, at least in the eyes of GSIC's new chief investment officer Mr. Lim Chow Kiat, is lower returns on bonds and stocks for the next 10 years.

Citing different portfolio models, he said the average annual return on bond yields will be about 1.9 percent over the next decade, while equities may offer a 1.6 percent median real return a year in that period. Adding later that "more and more investors are being crowded into searching for yields and taking risk, this leaves little on the table to cushion adverse outcomes".

Indeed it is nice to be in a country that is so pragmatic, faces challenges head-on and believes in the longer term. When Singapore speaks, I tend to listen. This country is a refreshing change of pace from what I see almost everywhere else in my 100 days a year on the road: promises of reform and a recovery "only" six months away. Yeah, right. The rest of the world could stand to take a page from Singapore's playbook.

Safe travels,



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tirsdag den 14. maj 2013

Steen's Chronicle: The Bermuda triangle of economics

The Bermuda triangle of economics

The mystique of the Bermuda triangle has caught the imagination and interest of generations. In the same way I feel there is now a Bermuda triangle of economics - a space where everything tends to disappear without radar contact. A black hole where rationality and science is replaced by hope, superstition and nonsense pundits like myself pretending to understand the real drivers of the economy.

The Bermuda Triangle in real life runs from Bermuda to Pueto Rico to Miami. The economic one runs from high stock market valuations to high unemployment to low growth/productivity. Just like with the real Bermuda triangle, in the Bermuda triangle of economics there is plenty of scientific evidence which can explain most, if not everything, of what is going on but that does not suit Hollywood, sorry the Federal Reserve.

Neither does it suit main stream banking analysis or the media in dealing with reality and facts: The mystique simply sells better! After all, there is a reason why people leave science education for PhD's in apps and virtual reality.

There are even fairy tale beliefs that the sunken Atlantis could be placed in the middle of this triangle. It has been renamed Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) to make it suit the black whole's main premise: Make sure to have fancy names for what is essentially the same economic recipe: Print and spend money, then wait and pray for better weather.

The economic Bermuda Triangle, EBT, is getting harder and harder to justify - if for nothing else because the constant reminders of crisis keep us all defensive and non-committed to investing beyond the next quarter. We all naively think we can exit the 'risk-on' trade before anyone else. A less cynical person than me could think that some things in life need to be experienced - not talked about.

Where to from here?
A long time ago policymakers entered a one-way street where reversing is, if not illegal, then impossible. Enough though about the polices though. What is more important is what is next?

If a political scientist should create a simple model for how this Bermuda Triangle works the first action point would be to test the premise of the policy. No theory is better than its premise - clearly.

In the Federal Reserve version of the premise: It is to create a positive wealth effect which ultimately leads to better sentiment and investment. The barometer of success is the stock market, but does the stock market really correlate to "wealth"? Clearly the stock market been on a tear, but is everyone, the average Joe benefitting? Clearly not. Ownership of stocks is almost exclusively for the top 10 percent of the population. Social divide is much higher today than before the crisis.  Furthermore 85% of jobs and growth comes fromSME's – meaning the 15% of the stocks, the listed, which is flying is benefitting but the SME's is not. We have market for the 15% biggest in the corporate world and the top 10% of the private sphere, so I guess when Fed and BOJ talks about wealth effect the really talk about ELITE effect?

In Japan - they are more open - they simply want to create a bubble - I repeat, a bubble. That is kind of interesting when policy makers for years have said it is impossible to figure out when there is a bubble! I guess - proactively wanting a bubble makes it more transparent? Confused? Certainly I am but then again Abenomics is 'Double Dutch' to me anyway.

So the premise does not hold but how will the policy makers deal with failure? Change course? Never! It would be worse than blasphemy! A one-way street means the cars can only go one-way - not reverse - optionality is for democracies and capitalistic systems  - not for a time of crisis - in times of crisis we need the foresight of our great supreme leaders, sorry, politicians and central bankers to guide us. Their divine insight will lead us safely ashore to the beaches of Lalaland where the sun always shines.

No the response is to do more - take the Bank of Japan's quantitative easing (QE) infinite released on April 4 - now one month into the experiment JGB's yields are higher, not lower.

The yield curve is steeper, inflation expectations are flat but Nikkei and USDJPY are higher. A success? Yes, except in the one area you wanted to impact: The yield and the yield curve!

The other part is that for this to work the stock market needs to keep outpacing the fall in JGB's -The Government Pension Fund manages in excess of 1,000 billion US Dollar - Their allocation? 65 percent in JGBS - and less than 11 percent in stocks hence the present score board would read: 

650 billion US Dollar x (146.50 - 143.50) = 2% =  - 13 bln. USD.  110 billion US Dollar x 40% = 48 bln. USD. A net gain of 35 bln. US but...

What if - Nikkei comes off a 10 percent - then 48 bln. US Dollar becomes 37 bln. and the new eqilibrium price: 138.50 only 5 figures away.

A price point which will make Japan less well of, not better, plus it would have increased the funding price of the 240% debt to GDP. Some strong macro fund managers think that a collapse in Japan is less than 12-18 month away, among them Mr. Kyle Bass stands out. Maybe Japan should be careful for what it wants. My conclusion on Japan is:

1. Japan scenario is neither black or white but a continues gradual process. Japan is notoriously slow in changing, in its political process and ultimately nothing will have changed materially one year from now. Yes, the Nikkei could be the start of a secular bull market as Stanley Druckenmiller recently said in New York, but it is already up 60 percent from the low and with China and Europe slowing down its likely to see major correction and probably soon.

2. The unintended consequences of the QE Infinite in Japan is so far (as shown above) a higher yield. Even higher than the recent rise in US rates - USDJPY becomes vulnerable for a major correction down to 95/96

3. Japan will not go bankrupt inside 12-months or even 12 years, but the hope of a recovery will be wane and soon. Watch how the Upper House election in the Diet in July becomes the final destination for Abenomics. Abe needs to secure 63 and 100 new seats. 63 seats to maintain momentum behind his economic policy and 100 to secure majority to change the Constitution.

Delivering "cheap money" is the easy part of his three pillar strategywhich got him elected. Using stimulus correctly and working on the supply side of the economy will be impossible - due to structure, lack of immigration, health care and ageing costs. I wish Japan well, but nothing will be saved by using the economic Bermuda Triangle, of all countries Japan should know - it invented the economic version of it!

Another key event will be the German election:

In Germany Merkel will win the battle (the election), but probably lose the war: She needs to step up. Europe expects it. The market wants it. The problem is: She can't afford it.

Bailing-in will mean a loss of rating for Germany - keeping austere will cost exports and long-term growth. Which scenario to choose? I personally think she will fail - fail to reconcile - she is already short of a Chancellors majority - after the election the Greens and SPD will hold her hostage - staying in power will mean giving in. Simply. 

That how ever will be the end of the honeymoon for Europe. Germany can not save Europe. Each country in Europe needs to realise their recovery comes from inside their own political willingness to reform and eating reality pills. Europe is destined to repeat the history of Japan. Unless an even more severe crisis makes us wake-up. 

This means we see July-October as a very important time frame for this experiment. We firmly believe the German election will be the game changer - but we could get a surprise already in July unless Japan's Prime Minister Abe gets JGB yields under control.

Policy conclusion

The Fed is testing the waters with their 'tapering' - but Bernanke is financing the budget deficits via his QE - hence he will continue, maybe less aggressive but QE is not ending.

Bank of England gets new boss in July - This will kick-start American style policies which sit right in the middle of the economic Bermuda Triangle - with GBP being the main casualty.

Bank of Japan - will soon - correct its maturity in buying - buying longer and deeper - the July election is getting closer.

ECB - is close, very close to doing something which will smell and feel like QE - Selling the sick man of Europe France make a lot of sense here

We are entering the realisation part of this global slow-down. Unlike three months ago, policy makers now realise that growth is not coming back in six month's time as they all love to estimate in their press conferences. So over the summer the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank will all go back to the drawing board and.... do more of the same.

The policy is not wrong, clearly, it is only the amplitude of it. I agree withJeff Gundlach who believes QE is here to stay for a long, long time, but also that the only thing which will get us out of this funk is innovation and reality. How do I reconcile this?

By allowing the 70 percent likelihood for Extend-and-pretend Season 4 through to July-October (German and Japanese elections) which will lead us to Japanisation (dis-inflation, no growth and productivity plus an ageing population).

There is a 30 percent chance of failing before July - failing as in the market collapsing or social tensions rising, governments falling and the financial system under pressure.

We are due for a new crisis. We have governments and central banks pro-actively pursuing bubbles hence the probability of bursting one will need to have risen by the same magnitude as the desperate moves of policy makers.

We have a very balanced approach to investment despite our strong views: 

70 percent of our assets are placed in the Saxo Fortified Portfolio which is based on the approach introduced by Harry Browne in his: Fail-Safe Investing: Lifelong Financial Security in 30 Minutes - a personal finance book written by American investment analyst and politician Harry Browne

·         25 percent in U.S. stocks, to provide a strong return during times of prosperity. For this portion of the portfolio, Browne recommends a basic S&P 500 index fund such as VFINX or FSKMX.

·         25 percent in long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, which do well during prosperity and during deflation (but which do poorly during other economic cycles).

·         25 percent in cash in order to hedge against periods of "tight money" or recession. In this case, "cash" means a money-market fund. (Note that our current recession is abnormal because money actually is not tight - interest rates are very low.)

·         25 percent in precious metals (gold) in order to provide protection during periods of inflation. Browne recommends gold bullion coins.

We have done our own approximation and an introduction is available tomorrow here on TradingFloor.com with historic returns.

Then we have 15 percent in a Turtle Model, which is essentially an option model of bets in high volatility trades with high leverage but also strict discipline.

Finally we allow 15 percent allocation to Alpha trading or directional bets. Here are some ideas we think have traction beyond the next week:

In the alpha model we are presently focusing on these trades:

  • Short AUD. We firmly believe that the end or pause of the Super Cycle in commodities will not only hurt Australia but also come as a negative surprise despite plenty of warnings and a fuse which was lit many months ago with the peak of Gold more than 12 month ago. We are short AUD.
  • Short OAT - French government bond. This is brand new position initiated after Japanese investors replaced domestic funds as the biggest buyers of French government bond in April - a well known seasonal play, where after year-end (March 31) Japanese lifers and funds go overseas in the first months to fill out their new "mandates". Short OAT is a play on European QE. The Club Med pressure for easier and easier rules on collateral and richer funding is happening. We short the "Sick Man of Europe".
  • US dollar bull cycle has started. We do not see any alternative to long US dollar in this cycle of currency manipulation. The US started early and now we go full circle with the euro being the final pawn - of course preceded in July by the new governor Carney at the Bank of England. Short GBPUSD and EURUSD now in place.
  • Long EMG bonds - The weakness in BRIC and EMG overall is overlooked. Sure, yes they have performed poorly, but even success stories like Poland, Chile and South Africa call for further monetary easing. It will be too little to late as inflation is underlying most macro data, but the fx and rates will take the correction. Be long mainly strong EMG bonds: Poland, Chile, Russia vs. OAT/BTP
  • Overweight bonds. We have been overweight for a while and continue to like bonds. It is no longer only a valuation play but also due to the implicit "equity put option" - the fact bonds if - not that we predict it will- stock corrects.

In Alpha terms we are neutral on stocks - the Beta (Saxo Balance Portfolio makes us long). In a world where money printing and monetary illusion is present stocks can be plus minus 25 percent.

We simply want to await negative chart patterns and policy mistakes to enable a short position.

The Fed's minute changes to their language will dictate the short-term, but I must say the JGB rise in yield could indicate what my friend Mr. E calls : "The end of Bernankes put". If this is so then we will see the usual pattern of sell in May emerging, with July Upper House and German September election as the political risk. The tail-risk remains Cyprus, growth in general, social tensions and a major financial institution failing.

Cyprus just announced its temporary capital controls will remain in place at least for another two months. Iceland is in its fifth year of temporary capital controls. Want to bet how long Cyprus' restriction will remain in place?

Japan is not a binary event but QE Tokyo style saved investors' bacon in Q1/Q2 of 2013. Japan's progress from here will be slow and gradual. Ultimately deflation and a stronger JPY will be back.

MMT is sunken but not Atlantis -  The wealth effect is a Piper's dream.

The individual: The inventor, the toolmaker, the consumer, and the investor will be needed because what the world is short on is innovation, appetite for life and risk and a belief in ourselves.

The Bermuda Triangle of economics has made us all entitlement receivers - creating a version of life where we choose to believe that no change is good.


Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Economist


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
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