mandag den 24. februar 2020

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søndag den 23. februar 2020

Need For Speed Games Part 2: Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit, Need For Speed: Road Challenge (Aka High Stakes)

This week on Super Adventures I'm still playing through the first ten years of the Need for Speed series and today I've reached the third and fourth games, Hot Pursuit and Road Challenge (known in the US as High Stakes). If you want to read about the first two games you can find part one here.

I hope you like screenshots of cars and roads, because that's all I've got for you today. They're pretty good cars though. There's a Chevrolet Corvette, a Ferrari F355, a Lamborghini Diablo, another Corvette... all kinds of cars.

(If I don't mention what system a screenshot came from, then it's from the PC version. Unless the game doesn't have a PC version.)

Read on »

fredag den 21. februar 2020

HOTT 52 - Battle 6 - Send In The Trolls!

A fun battle of Humans vs Orcs that suddenly and convincingly ended, this time with all elements filled in! I finished my Saxons that would become my human warband elements. All painted with colors and shield designs from my Etinerra campaign world.

That's something that I've done with all of my HOTT 15mm figures - is to paint them in colors and styles from the campaign. It makes it fun for me, although I'm finding that what I have is duplicate 25mm and 15mm armies. Oh darn. Lots of figures on my table...

Battlefield Terrain was randomly determined with a different method this time. I (re)discovered a set of DBA 2 Solo rules that I'm going through to see how I like them and can adapt them to HOTT. Here's the link:

Forces randomly determined from my Etinerra army lists.

Humans (Militia/Regular)       
Spear-General x1
Spear x3
Warband x2 
Riders x2
Knights x2
Shooters x2
Orcs (Regular/Militia) - defending
Blade-General x1
Blade x3
Spear x4
Warband x2
Riders x2
Behemoth x1

I diced to see whom could substitute regular elements with fantasy elements and the Orcs were given the option. So, I took the riders and traded them for Troll Behemoths! These buggers are really a hoot, styled after old irreverent Warhammer-esque figures. That one on the right is definitely digging for gold in that big schnozz there!

On with the battle!


Orc Warchief Al-Lozburg lined up his troops at dawn to face the wretched humans that were approaching his fort. He put his trolls on his left flank with hopes they could do some damage that way.

Confident in his troops abilities, and wanting to ensure good battle matchups, Major Osmond put his knights at the center of his line and his riders to oppose the trolls, perhaps to flank or rear attack them even. He assigned his rowdy militia men, hardy mountaineers and hillsmen who were quick with the axe, spear and spirit bottle, to the left, spying a band of wood goblins opposite. The armies marched quickly towards each other with little maneuver, "quick to blood" as they say.


"Oo'er, fancy a bit of horse-flesh, Bob?"

"Shaddup, Bob, there's tasty, sweet manflesh atop those horses, we et them fust an' then we et the horsies!"

The army lines crashed together and the orcs pushed the attacking humans back. Dismayed at seeing his lines so fragmented, Major Osmond pulled his forces back to regroup.


The aggressive Bestials pressed the attack, with the trolls racing forward to smash the militia riders, but the hardy horsemen held on against the fierce attack! Seeing an opportunity, Major Osmond sent his riders to flank and he caught the trolls in a deadly cross attack! The trolls, reeling from fire and swords, lost their interest in man/horse flesh and fled the field!

Undeterred, the orcs pushed back and a long battle ensued. Back and forth, the lines went. Orc casualties mounted, but they continued to press the attack.

Suddenly, when it seemed this blood-letting would drag on till the end of day, the humans struck decisive blows! Two of the feared Orc Blade units fell to the militia Riders and Spearmen, while the other Spear troops drove off a unit of Orc Spear! (In one bound! The most losses I've seen by one side in a bound in quite awhile!) 

Seeing two-thirds of his forces gone, Al-Lozburg was forced to abandon his earthworks, giving the humans the victory!

Humans win decisively versus Bestials (Orcs/Goblins) 4 - 16G.

As for my new Human Warband elements? They spent the entire game fighting back and forth across the battlefield with no resolution! I'm pretty sure both sides were happy that the battle was over! (Or they were pissed because they didn't get a chance to finish the job!)

A mounted unit can pass through a friendly unit if going in same or opposite direction. Makes sense. Gives me some ideas for future positioning and using mounted.

I've gone ahead and made a mega-order to Alternative Armies for their 15mm Imperial Elf and High Elf HOTT Armies, enough figures for several stands of Chaos Men as well as some PC-like figures for Heroes/Clerics. That will give me roughly the equivalent armies/combinations for both 15 and 25mm conflicts with various rules. And monsters!

I'm also looking at the campaign rules from HOTT and my existing wargames campaign. I'm considering a "mini-campaign" using an adaptation of the HOTT campaign system. It might provide a fun afternoon with friends and lead to some interesting resolutions in my game world!

torsdag den 20. februar 2020

Storium Theory: A Shadow In The Light

I've written a bit about this before, but today I'd like to discuss one of the most fun things that I've found to do on Storium - ending a challenge with a Strong ending by playing a Weakness card.

Sometimes, you find yourself with a really fascinating opportunity on Storium. You're writing the final move on a challenge, and it is definitely going Strong - there's only one card slot left, for instance, and at least 2 more Strong cards have been played than Weakness cards, so even if you play a Weakness card, it's still going to be 1 up on Strong.

These are amazingly fun writing opportunities, and I encourage you to make the most of them.

Play a Weakness card...and make it just as Weak as you normally would! Your character screws up, or stumbles, or otherwise expresses his Weakness. It's just that in the end, the challenge succeeds despite him.

Don't have his Weakness lead him to victory - instead, have victory happen despite his weakness.

The other characters' efforts succeed. They win the day. He almost screws things up for everybody...but they'd done well enough before that point that it didn't end up mattering.

This is one of your best possible opportunities to make someone else...or everybody else...awesome.

You can take the time to build up how well someone else did. You can show how the situation is set up perfectly to go to the Strong outcome. Then, you take it one step farther - you show how you make a mistake, how you screw things up...but because things were set up so well to begin with, or because someone else is doing what they're doing and doing it so well, things go right anyway.

It isn't luck. It isn't happenstance. It's the efforts of the other characters involved, acting along the lines they've acted in prior to your move, using the Strengths they've put down before. You nearly mess everything up...but they either save the day, or have already put things in such a good state that your screw-up is a drop in the bucket.

Some of my favorite moves on Storium have been the points where I've had the opportunity to write this way: Where I could show just how good the other characters have been in a challenge by having my character seriously screw up...but letting the group win the day anyway. The other players feel great because you gave them recognition and made them look like a million bucks...and you? You get a really, really powerful character moment out of it.

You can hit your character hard from a moment like this - a moment where everyone else looks good, and he looks bad. You can use it to push him to change. You can inspire a difference in attitude. Maybe it's negative - feelings of inferiority or questioning of his skills. But maybe it's positive - a new respect for other characters, or the discovery of a mentor who can help him exceed his current limits.

So when a moment like this comes up in a story, don't just toss out a Weakness card just to get rid of one. Don't look at it that way. Look at it as a great opportunity to really make other people look good, and to really draw comparisons between your character's failings and someone else's strengths. This is an excellent, amazing chance to develop your character and make other people look their best at the same time. Take advantage of it!

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 Game Language: English
 Publisher: Tarsier Studios
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Memory: 8 GB RAM
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Oscar’s Bell, Short Film, Review And Interview

When Duncan goes camping he can let Oscar, his dog, who wears a bell so he can be kept track of. But when the wind is blowing in the trees, the sound they make can play tricks on the ear.

This is a delightful short that uses the sound as a major feature in the story telling. Anyone who has been camping where there are large trees blowing in the wind at night, knows already there is a certain level of eeriness. Chris Cronin (director and co-writer) captures that feeling and kicks it up a notch from eerie to suspenseful horror.

Oscar's Bell was screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Sound.

I recommend Oscar's Bell for those who are looking for a new scary story to tell around the campfire.

Synopsis: Duncan and his dog Oscar have gone on their weekly camping trip into the wilderness together. However, when Duncan looks out into the woods, something else looks back.

Chris and Sam Cronin wrote Oscar's Bell. Chris shares what inspired them for this film, what they are looking forward to and some of their other inspiration and drive in becoming a filmmaker.

What was the inspiration for Oscar's Bell?

We wanted to create something more akin to classic horror of the 70s than more modern horror. Simple, stripped back and with a supernatural threat that tied into the theme. The influences were a combination of spending a lot of time watching classic horrors and going down the rabbit hole on Reddit's horror forums such as 'Creepypasta' and 'No Sleep'. Oscar's Bell is an amalgamation of those two sources of sleepless nights.

My brother came to me with a scary story on Reddit and told me to give it a read, not to turn it into a project but just for fun. I thought the story was spooky but not all that scary. He said now read this comment response at the bottom of the story. Someone shared in two paragraphs what happened to them in the woods with their dog and that idea was much scarier than the story it was replying to! We spoke to the person who commented and that become the origin of our film. "Duncan and his dog Oscar have gone on their weekly camping trip into the wilderness together. However, when Duncan looks out into the woods, something else looks back."

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

I'm currently in post-production with a sci-fi short called All The Imagined Echoes. It's a human spirit story with elements of thriller and it's got a brilliant lead performance by up-and-coming actress Winnie Southgate. I should be dropping a trailer on my website in a week or two.

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

I just enjoyed watching films and knowing everything about them at a young age. I used to live in the video rental stores, looking for the next adventure but it took a teacher at college to stick a camera in my stomach and say, "why don't you contribute something?" So, it was their fault essentially.

What would be your dream project?

At the moment, I'd love to dig deep into a dark crime thriller. I've always taken inspiration from South Korean cinema, so I'd love to put it into practice now that I'm feeling more confident. Works like Memories of a Murder, The Chaser and Oldboyhave stood the test of time and I'd love to do a British equivalent to those types of stories. On the flip side, since I was young, I always wanted to do a Cowboy Bebop trilogy, exploring the hybrid of genres as the story progressed. That would be my answer to Star Wars!

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

I get a kick out of informative and True Crime podcasts. I know that's not a big leap from making films, but I just love anything that's creatively put together. I'm trying to get back into books, but I tend to read Graphic Novels. Ed Brubaker and Garth Ennis are my go-to [authors]!

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

To avoid a glaringly obvious choice, I'll go with Lost in Translation. It's the film that gave me the nudge to want to make movies myself. I obsessed over it and listened to the soundtrack endlessly. I visited some of the locations last year and it's just a mind-blowing place. The way the film was told and made, was quite inspiring for indie filmmakers. The fact that Bill Murray and Scarlett Johannson star in it too make it a permanent favourite for me.

You can see the trailer on Vimeo (link).

And find out more on IMDb (link).

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If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to

I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).

søndag den 16. februar 2020

hollanda grafiker iş ilanları

iş hayatınızda bir sonraki adımı edinebilmek amacıyla çevrimiçi şekilde milyonlarca iş ilanını arayabilirsiniz. ilan bulma yöntemleri, cv ler, şirket bilgileri ve diğer bilgilerle, her adımda yanınızdayız. bu site iş imkanları ve önerileri için en bilinen kaynaktır. iş kaynaklarına, kişiselleştirilmiş ücret araçlarına ve içgörülere ulaşın. İstediğiniz işi hemen bulun! sitemiz iş ve iş imkanları için kaynağınızdır. İş ilanlarını görüntüleyin, sitemizin iş uzmanlarından iş tavsiyesi alın ve işe alım fikirleri bulun. sitede yurt genelinde meslek olanakları tarayın. İş kategorisi, il - ilçe, işveren ve daha fazlasına göre arama yapın. Özgeçmişinizi yollayın. Giriş seviyesinden yönetici pozisyonlarına kadar Türkiyedeki bütün güncel iş ilanlarını listeleyin. Şehre, piyasaya yada şirkete göre göz atın. Kendiniz için doğru iş ilanını listeleyin ve bir iş edinin. sitemiz iş arama sitesini kullanarak sahalarınızda iş personeli araştıran iş ilanlarını bulun - iş bulmanın en kolay yöntemi. Size en yakın meslek bulabilmek ve yalnız tek tıklama ile başvurun. Bölgenizdeki yakın firmalar nedeni ile yayınlanan en son iş ilanlarını arayın ve göz atın. İş inceleme sitemiz üzerinden direk işverenlere iletişime geçin. alttaki bağlantılarla iş bulma meselesinde bilgi alın. Web de milyonlarca iş motoru mevcut, fakat en güvenilir meslek firmaları ve iş bulma motorları, kullanmak zordur, çabuk ve basit araçlara şimdi erişin.
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torsdag den 13. februar 2020

Brave Browser the Best privacy-focused product of 2020

Out of all the privacy-focused products and apps available on the market, Brave has been voted the best. Other winners of Product Hunt's Golden Kitty awards showed that there was a huge interest in privacy-enhancing products and apps such as chats, maps, and other collaboration tools.

An extremely productive year for Brave

Last year has been a pivotal one for the crypto industry, but few companies managed to see the kind of success Brave did. Almost every day of the year has been packed witch action, as the company managed to officially launch its browser, get its Basic Attention Token out, and onboard hundreds of thousands of verified publishers on its rewards platform.

Luckily, the effort Brave has been putting into its product hasn't gone unnoticed.

The company's revolutionary browser has been voted the best privacy-focused product of 2019, for which it received a Golden Kitty award. The awards, hosted by Product Hunt, were given to the most popular products across 23 different product categories.

Ryan Hoover, the founder of Product Hunt said:

"Our annual Golden Kitty awards celebrate all the great products that makers have launched throughout the year"

Brave's win is important for the company—with this year seeing the most user votes ever, it's a clear indicator of the browser's rapidly rising popularity.

Privacy and blockchain are the strongest forces in tech right now

If reaching 10 million monthly active users in December was Brave's crown achievement, then the Product Hunt award was the cherry on top.

The recognition Brave got from Product Hunt users shows that a market for privacy-focused apps is thriving. All of the apps and products that got a Golden Kitty award from Product Hunt users focused heavily on data protection. Everything from automatic investment apps and remote collaboration tools to smart home products emphasized their privacy.

AI and machine learning rose as another note-worthy trend, but blockchain seemed to be the most dominating force in app development. Blockchain-based messaging apps and maps were hugely popular with Product Hunt users, who seem to value innovation and security.

For those users, Brave is a perfect platform. The company's research and development team has recently debuted its privacy-preserving distributed VPN, which could potentially bring even more security to the user than its already existing Tor extension.

Brave's effort to revolutionize the advertising industry has also been recognized by some of the biggest names in publishing—major publications such as The Washington Post, The Guardian, NDTV, NPR, and Qz have all joined the platform. Some of the highest-ranking websites in the world, including Wikipedia, WikiHow, Vimeo, Internet Archive, and DuckDuckGo, are also among Brave's 390,000 verified publishers.

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