tirsdag den 22. september 2020

Stonne 1940 Big CoC Weekend Part 1

This has been in the pipeline for a few months now, the first public Big CoC public weekend at the WHC. In this first post I'll give some idea of the thought process (sic) behind the game and then I'll give you the scenarios and how the game played out...oh, and there will be a few pics.
Warlord and Crusader French
Mark Freeth was very keen to get an early war 1940 scenario together, initially we toyed with the idea of running a weekend with 2 games running side by side, one containing French and the other BEF taking on the invading Germans. While this was certainly achievable, it involved a few more logistical headaches concerning turning the games around, plus simply having to focus on 2 games at once rather than one. So, in the end we plumped for a single set of scenarios with just the French and Germans.
A small problem with running Big CoC games is that the scenarios are somewhat dependant on the number of players attending, and given the nature of the WHC the numbers can vary, Some players book months in advance, but often people will book relatively late so the scenario needed to be capable of being tweaked to fit this in. The nuts and bolts of the game don't alter that much, the idea being that each player will command an infantry (or armour) platoon, then the force as a whole has a degree of support which is then dished out. On the whole this is not a problem, but for quite a while we were looking at having six players (fine, 3 on 3) then suddenly the numbers went up to seven. My initial reaction was one of mild horror because it meant balancing the game for a three versus four. However, when I started looking at the way the Stonne game might play out, the imbalance of 3 platoons  against 4 became more and more attractive.

A little Panhard 178. It bogged in the ditch......
The battle at Stonne took place over 4 days commencing on 15th May 1940, with the Germans having the Grossdeutschland motorised infantry regiment, and elements of the 10.PzD (Panzer-Regiment 8)
They were encountering in these scenarios the 3e DIM (Division d'Infanterie Motorisée), supported by 3e DCr (Division Cuirassée)
Looking at the platoon lists for CoC the 1940 German infantry platoons are enormous. Each platoon contains 2 senior leaders and a 50mm mortar team plus 4 x 10 man sections, for a total of 44 men.
The French platoons are a similar size, with 2 platoon leaders (1 senior, 1 junior) a VB rifle grenade team of a junior leader with 4 men. plus 3 sections of 11 for a total of 40 men. 

So if we had seven players, with 3 on the German side and 4 for the French it wouldn't be too bad. 1 player a side would be playing a tank platoon anyway, so it would be 2 German infantry platoons against 3 French, however that is actually 8 German sections opposed to 9 French, making it less unbalanced than first appears. A little extra tweaking by making the Germans "superior regulars" meaning they treat rolls on their command dice of a single six also as a 5, giving them more CoC dice pips during the game, plus increasing the size of their panzer II platoon to a whopping 5 vehicles would compensate for the additional French numbers. Additionally, each German platoon would start with a full Chain of Command Dice. 

Poilus advance, CharB in support 
So I worked on that basis, and prepared everything with 7 players in mind, Then of course Mark called and said " I've got an 8th player"......So the superior regular, and the extra CoC dice went out of the window, and the Panzer platoon was cut from 5 down to 4, and the Germans went up to 3 infantry platoons to make it 4 a side. Also the Germans would not have a significant advantage in support points when they were attacking, while the french would.

 Even after this we had another couple of guys wanting to sign up, but at that late stage we sadly had to say no, and stick with 8, as I think a single game with 5 a side is really stretching it for this rule set - not saying its not possible, but I think the game might suffer.
So that is the format we ended up going with, having said that I'm pretty sure the scenarios will work fine with seven (or 5 for that matter) players if the Germans are bumped up a bit to cater for uneven forces.

Panzerjeager I supports Black Tree and Warlord infantry

The other aspect of the games that numbers have an impact on is the size of the table used for each scenario. The recommendation for Big CoC is that the table size should be the same as for normal CoC (6' x 4')  with an additional foot width per additional infantry platoon added - you add nothing for the armour.
Well, The main table at the WHC is 24' long by 6' deep, and so we already play on a depth of 6' which I prefer over 4'. The patrol phase gets forces into action quickly enough anyway, and having the extra depth gives players a bit more room without slowing things down.
Just adding 2 feet per platoon gives us a width of 8' x 6 " which is fine, but the centres' terrain boards are 3' each so it is convenient to go for a slightly larger width of 9'. a bit more room both on the table and for player comfort. That meant that it wasn't too tricky to divide up the table into 3 sections - 9' at each end and then utilise the central 6' and 3' of one of the other sections to give us 3 x 6' x 9' areas.

The point of all this meant I could set up the entire table beforehand, and players go from game to game  with no great interruptions in order to maximise playing time. Also I think it looks good!

Stonne from west to east: Game 1 at the far end, game 2 in the foreground, game 3 in the centre. The Germans are advancing from the north, the French, the south.

I also planned to have a 4th scenario, which would have meant re-setting the terrain at one end of the table- it would have been that which was fought over in game 2 so we could do it while game 3 was in progress giving plenty of time. As it turned out, we didn't get in 4 games over the weekend, a bit of a shame but, sometimes CoC games can be like that, some go faster than others.
The table was made up simply from having a look at Google Earth, backed up with some excellent maps in Prieser's "Blitzkrieg Legend"- to  get the overall topography. Generally the village hasn't changed enormously since 1940, although it was rebuilt there has been no development sprawl, The critical points haven't changed, in terms of the woods, the road layout, and the extent of the village.Being able to get down at street view is an amazing resource, it shows just how winding and steep the only road the Germans had to approach the village from the north was, as it approaches the Butte De Stonne at the Eastern end of the village, and how despite it appearing very flat on the map, the countryside to the west and south actually has quite a lot of small undulations, the view south from the village is somewhat restricted. At the eastern end of the village the countryside is more wooded and broken, with the road becoming sunken before it winds down back on itself down the steep wooded slope to the north of the village (off- table)

Map showing the initial German attack on Stonne, May 15 at 0800. Influenced by Eric Denis' work. (wikipedia)
Given the nature of playing 3 or possibly 4 games over a weekend in a campaign format with 8 CoC novices I thought that the first scenario should probably be a bit gentle in order to ease them into it, and allow them to possibly make a few mistakes without getting horribly punished. I also wanted to keep it relatively simple.
Given the nature of the fighting in Stonne (the village apparently changed hands 17 times in 3 days), it lent itself to a relatively straightforward narrative: i.e. Attack and counterattack- So I decided to make the first game an attack/defence scenario with the Germans on the offensive at the eastern end of the table, the second game was to be another attack/defence with the French on the offensive at the western end of the table. Game 3 was to be in the central area of the table with the Germans attacking in an "attack on an objective" scenario.
I planned a 4th scenario which was to be played out on new terrain to the east of Stonne and that would have been the French conducting a flank attack. However, time sadly ran out. I'm sure we will do it one day.

The View from east to west, the broken ground of the Butte De Stonne in the foreground

The scene was set:
8 players, hopefully 4 games, Germans versus French at Stonne, one of the iconic battles of the campaign.
What were the salient features of the battle? The Germans had crossed the Meuse a couple of days earlier and were trying to exploit that relatively fragile bridgehead, the French had rapidly managed to assemble a counter attack force. The massif of which Stonne is a small part doesn't readily show up on a map, but have a look at Google Earth and you can see just how important it was for both sides. The village itself is rather innocuous, just a farming village with two roads entering from the south, however, it is the terrain to the north which both sides were focused on. There is a single road which leads out of Stonne to the north, this snakes down the hillside along a steep wooded slope before reaching the more gentle plain. The entire northern side of Stonne is covered in thick fir trees which extend down the steep slope- there is nowhere in the village itself (other than the "Butte de Stonne") which has a view to the north. However, if you hold the town and can establish OP's in this wooded hillside you have a magnificent vista stretching out 4 or 5 kilometres and more to the north, the German bridgeheads, and the routes they will take as they expand. Subsequently this tiny Ardennes village became vitally important.   

French section enters central Stonne

mandag den 21. september 2020

Omicron Protocol, Game Review

This part of the city has been sealed. Whatever happened here was enough for the government to call it quits on anyone and everyone that survived whatever created the CyMS. But we still live. We still have to live. That is why you are going out after supplies. Besides the CyMS, others are going to be after those supplies, so keep your eyes wide and keep it quiet.


Omicron Protocol is a scenario based strategy combat game. There are 2 sides competing to accomplish the objective of the scenario. Although they are not facing off against each other, they are competing for the same objective which means the opposing force has to be dealt with.

I played a prototype of Omicron Protocol as Brendan Kendrick and Bernie Lin of Dead Alive Games were preparing their Kickstarter campaign in 2019.

When I read the backstory for Omicron Protocol, the name created more questions of what happened in our future world to require quarantining a city and leaving the residents to fend for themselves. Omicron is the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. A protocol is an official response of procedure with how to deal with a situation. Usually a diplomatic response from a government, but also used in business dealings. Not only is Omicron the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, in mathematics it is used as the symbol for growth rates, and in other instances it is tied with Omega, the end. This leads the imagination to believe we are far beyond "Plan A" for containment.

We played Omicron Protocolwith three players. Two of us controlled one faction against the other player's faction. The offset didn't put the game out of balance from the point of the pieces on the mat. It is also hard to say if the two-headed team was better than the one. There was an advantage for the two players being able to talk over their strategy. At the same time, the individual player was able to coordinate their actions easier.

There are starter scenarios for learning movement and abilities. The system is straight forward and we found it easy to understand. The number of options available and deciding which was the best path forward to complete the objective was where the difficulty was. That was where the individual had some advantage by handling the entire team instead of just part of it. The multi-player team was able to focus on the character abilities more, which required more conversation and bartering between the players.

Omicron Protocol contains multiple levels of strategy. It started in the pre-game setup when each faction chose the characters to go on the mission. The introductory scenarios have preselected characters; however, in the full game scenarios the player(s) have control. Individual character abilities and how they can interact are important considerations along with how those abilities pair up with the faction's special abilities.

While racing the other faction to achieve the goal you also need to deal with the Cyber-Memetic Sociopaths (CyMS). CyMS (pronounced "sims") are zombies attracted by sound. Any time characters take actions causing noise, there is a chance the CyMS in the area will come to feed. Noise, therefor, is also part of the strategy employed when dealing with the opposing faction.

Playing the Game

The main goal is to complete the objective. Omicron Protocol is not an arena combat (but you could create such a scenario). The backstory is one where people are working to survive the situation they have found themselves in and working to get out of the quarantined city.

In the prototype there were only two factions: the Survivalists and the Peacemakers. It was noted additional factions are planned for. So when you play you will need to decide the faction you are going to play based on their special faction abilities.

Decide on the scenario. Each scenario has specific rules for that game session. They define the objective and the starting layout of the scene.

Players now decide which characters from their faction are going on the mission. The characters are revealed and added to the game board in the scenario designated starting areas.

As the scenario progresses more CyMS enter the playing field. This increases in pressure on completing the objective and the risks players have to take.

Turns alternate between the factions as they take turns with a character. The CyMS take action after each character turn when the conditions are right.

A faction starts their turn with a set number of action points. Those points are divided by the player(s) for all of the characters they have in play—the player needs to balance the use of their action points to utilize all of their characters. This led to some interesting conversations with the team of two players controlling one faction.

Combat uses a dice pool. A number of dice are rolled and those equal to or above the target score hits. The hits are used for several different actions by the character. They can deal damage, trigger abilities, or if the dice are not spent (including those that don't score) they can be used for improving future rolls.


We enjoyed Omicron Protocolwith its unique presentation and options.

Omicron Protocol has a strong backstory. The backstory along with the additional information in the rulebook allowed us to immerse ourselves into the game scenario. Links to additional stories set in Omicron Protocol were also given.

Players are allowed to develop their own scenarios as they learn the game. It was mentioned in the information that Dead Alive Games will be making more scenarios and working with players to share scenarios developed by the broader community of players. This could also include solitaire and larger group scenarios. I believe the larger group scenarios would be harder and longer to play due to player interaction.

Omicron Protocol was developed by Brendan Kendrick, Bernie Lin and published be Dead Alive Games. It is designed for 2–4 players of ages 13+, and the scenarios are designed to last 60–120 minutes.


Well done on securing the medical supplies. They will go a long ways for those who are still with us. Rest up. We have skimmed some information the government may not have given up completely on us, they're going to be making a food drop tomorrow. We just need to figure out where and at what time.


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If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to guildmastergaming@gmail.com.

I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).


lørdag den 12. september 2020


Too long without a post.

Hopefully this  won't be the last post on the blog. I am still in draft three of a book, and don't seem to be getting much writing done or even seeing many movie. Distractions and all.

I still have an unfinished story. An unfinished book of parsha shiurim. Several half-baked and nearly baked game designs on the shelf.

However, I am still employed, having a social life, going on a vacation next month. My daughter is married and thriving, my son is thriving, too. Which is all good.

Still have weekly game nights and still get new games occasionally. I just got Concordia, Sushi Go Party, and I am expecting Gentes Deluxe and Haithabu. I am expecting a few thousand new Magic cards soon.

I and my boss have been playing games with three non-gamer coworkers at work every Thursday. It's been half a year, and, aside from Codenames, we have rarely repeated any games. Looks like we may start soon.

The magic of games, those little points, seem insignificant, but it's astonishing how they take a play activity and make people focus on a goal, a start, and an end. It's almost hard to understand why, but it must have something to do with: not only feeling great when you succeed, but wanting others to have a chance to feel great, too. If it didn't, the whole concept of multiplayer games would just fall apart. As long as we still play games together, I think humanity still has hope.


Outstanding Nominations

Amanda Kwaza has overseen a number of reforms in MSSA yo create a national federation that delivers even more to its members.

MSSA's Management Board Awards were initiated in 2009 to reward excellence not specifically provided for in MSSA's Constitution. 

When reading through the names of those previously honored, the reader is quickly reminded of MSSA's rich history. The names are not just names, these are the men and women who have made an incredible contribution to the various mind sports in South Africa. 

 Under the direction of MSSA president, Amanda Pakade, MSSA's highest legislative body, being the Annual General Meeting, agreed to widen the scope of such awards in December 2018. Thus the awards are now more representative of MSSA's membership, of the work being done, and of society as a whole. 

MSSA President, Amanda Kwaza, has already expressed her joy and has stated, "Never before has the quality of nomination been as high as those submitted this year. The task now faced by the Management Board is monumental in considering each and every nomination." 

The final winners shall be announced at MSSA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 5 December 2020. 

Awards shall be made in the following categories: 
  • Mind Sports Person of the Year 
  • Board Gamer of the Year 
  • Esports Player of the Year 
  • Wargamer of the Year 
  • Team of the Year 
  • Volunteer of the Year 
  • Umpire of the Year 
  • Coach of the Year 
  • Educator of the Year 
  • Writer of the Year 
  • Social Media Person of the Year 
  • Sponsor of the Year

Also read:

torsdag den 3. september 2020

Red Dead Redemption 2 | Review, Trailer, Gameplay, & Everything You Need To Know.

Rockstar's most awaited game Read Dead Redemption 2 is almost here, Yeah! Red Dead Redemption 2 will finally be released next month on October 26. Yes, it's been eight years since the original, but everything we've seen so far suggests it will be worth the wait. Rockstar has given us some enticing glimpses of a lush and lively Wild West, packed with colorful characters like the Van der Linde Gang and new protagonist Arthur Morgan.

Quick Facts:

Initial Release Date : 26 october 2018
Developer : Rockstar
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One

A few fugitives are solitary wolves, yet more often than not the kind that lives long. In Red Dead Redemption 2 you'll travel with a great grouping of mavericks and cheats (A run of the mill Rockstar topic). Some of them you've met previously, similar to Dutch van der Linde, Bill Williamson, and Javier Escuella - all objectives of John Marston's manhunt in the first Red Dead Redemption. In any case, numerous more are new faces that assistance round out the pack as not only a band of hoodlums but rather a little society unto itself.

The First Reveal :

The primary trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 which was released on October 20, 2016, was somewhat of a mindset piece that exhibited numerous districts in the diversion, while likewise depicting the solemn tone of the fundamental account. In this trailer, we saw a few towns and areas, a considerable lot of which are abounding with life and movement -, for example, farmers stirring up some cows, huntsmen bringing back their pull, and a gathering of subjects hanging out in the general store. Which depicted its mind-boggling illustrations.

Who Are We Playing As?

In spite of the fact that the focal character of Red Dead Redemption, John Marston, assumes some job in the story- - the fundamental hero of the prequel is Arthur Morgan. As Dutch's correct hand man and master for the pack, he'll handle a significant part of the day by day obligations of holding the posse within proper limits - which incorporates a youthful and less-experienced John Marston. With regards to keeping the posse and its locale above water, Morgan is very helpful with grabbing different occupations to guarantee everybody is all around nourished and in great spirits. Be that as it may, as the story advances, he'll start to scrutinize his own determination for Dutch's lifestyle, and whether despite everything he has a place in the group.

What's New In Red Dead Redemption 2?

While the spin-off is to a great extent in an indistinguishable vein from its forerunner, concentrating on the investigation, chasing, shoot-outs, heists, and opposite side-exercises where you'll communicate with various exciting characters- - Red Dead Redemption 2 includes an unquestionably sweeping world to plunge into. 

The respect framework from the first diversion makes an arrival, yet now with undeniable point by point following. Alongside the normal subject, individuals from your locale will respond to how well or how ineffectively you treat them (Which is kinda inventive as we don't get the opportunity to see that a considerable measure). As the lead master, Morgan should deal with a huge amount of duties, for example, asset gathering, obtaining assets, and ensuring everybody in the network is cheerful.

Yeah, It Has Online Multiplayer Mode?

As of now, Rockstar hasn't shared any information on how the online play will work. The first Red Dead Redemption included online free-for-all and group deathmatch style interactivity in the open world, alongside a few community themed missions. While it's protected to accept that these sorts of missions will restore, another long-waiting gossip is the presence of a fight royale mode. Rockstar has as of late affirmed that an open beta for the online mode is planned for multi month after the amusement's dispatch. We will see you when we get the news, So be in contact.

Camping and hunting will be a major part of Red Dead Redemption 2 life.

Being an outlaw means adopting a nomadic lifestyle, That when the camps comes to rescue as being a key part of surviving and thriving on the prairie. Camps will act as a hub where you can get to know gang members, learn secrets and pick extra missions. It feels like relationships with your allies will be key to your experience of the world, and you can improves things by contributing to the camp by hunting, contributing provisions or just sharing your wealth. How much you contribute is optional, there's a lot of world to explore out there on your own, and a lot of hunting and fishing to keep you away, but you can bet there'll be benefits to communal living.

Gameplay :

Rockstar Released the gameplay for Red Dead Redemption last month. If you wanna watch  here's the Gameplay

Pre-Order :

Pre-orders are now live for Red Dead Redemption 2 on Xbox One and PS4.