torsdag den 30. oktober 2014

FOMC pretend-and-extend another one month - Hawkish tilt

This is the probabiliy of FED hikes@ June 2015 meeting..


Six month ago 25 bps had 30% chance  // 50 bps had 35% chance


Now… 25 bps move to 44%  // 50 bps to 23%




Seriously do we spend so much time & energy analysing net changes of 14% in probabilities as indicator for the future…(14% delta change on nothing x 20% of the economy(listed companies + banks) =  NO new growth))


Meanwhile a flux of US companies complain about  a rising US dollar among several Blue Chip name – and as for top line growth – Foreign sales is more than 40% of total for S&P-500 .


FED did massive bet on economy by delaying – not disimilar to their late initiation of tapering… this in their mind is similar… hike "should" happen if….and….if…and if…


Clearly omitting the global economy and US dollar from text swayed the tilt towars hawkish mainly by shifting focus from three to two major levers….


Next time FOMC will go away from "sluggish labor market" and then try unwind /mis-communicate on "lower for longer"


The big "aber dabei" however is inflation (or lack of it)  – Similar to Europe dis-inflation will ultimately unachor the scenario. Don't forget ECB came late to fighting deflation due "well anchored expecations" – The fact that there are no empirical evidence that inflation expectations is even close to realised inflation does not stop the FOMC or ECB from using it as excuse to buy more time.  Fed hedged and hedged and double edged their wording on inflation – but look around the world and tell me where will inflation come from in the next quarter?




Mid-NOVEMBER is now my key date on timeline…


I expect we trade the "hawkish tilt" through their  w. strong US dollar, weaker commodities, unchanged long term interest rates, weak EM ccy, and negative equity market. That will replaced by the "unanchoring" of the June hike which will move to September by year-end and December by end of Q1 – which will secure nice December rally of retest of lows in stock markets and lead us to strong Q1 – overall 2015 will be loss for equities as REALITY catches up with FANTASY – We have waited for Godot (higher  growth in US) for  five years, it will be six soon….






Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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torsdag den 16. oktober 2014

UPDATE /// Macro Charts: SME spreads - Target for S&P 1814/16?

My colleague John Hardy makes interesting observation(see John's email below) on small caps outside (UP) yesterday….  It lead on down-side – are we now in sideways action or final capitulation?



Source: Jesper Christiansen


When doing projections it's impossible to do both level and timing due to model constraints (predicting two outcome with same time series) – it does not stop even Gundlach to tell market that market has line in the sand 2.20% now….only to see it trade sub 1.90% yday… I'm telling you this to let you know NO ONE can do both… timing and level….but its classic forecasting mistake- and to some extent my mistake yesterday to…. Level 1810/20 and then saying mid-November – sorry it was same J


The timing model still says early to Mid-November – the price action for now is 1790/1810… so either we reached the "spot" for now before consolidating…. The key metric to watch, which is impossible, is the VaR (Value-at-Risk) books of the market. VIX exploded even FX model rising…


For now I took profit on short stocks yesterday….. maintain the ONE asset which needs to adjust further is EURUSD – 2Yspread now have 1.3200 as fair value but discounting Draghi/Weidmann and Ebola probably 1.3050/75 is more realistic target.


It brings the world back to square one… Europe still got small boost, US is happier at 1.3000+ and certainly EM countries will like the easing which is desperately needed. I will add one more time -  The world cannot afford a high US Dollar…




Look at year-to-date performance (US dollar makes it worse in Europe but DAX is down >10% and CAC40 > 8% YTD





From: John J. Hardy (JJH)
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:24 AM
To: Steen Jakobsen (SJN)
Subject: RE: Macro Charts: SME spreads - Target for S&P 1814/16?




Or timeframe yesterday…


Yesterday saw nice outside day bullish reversal in small caps….that might have been the short term climax low in the big indices… a 61.8% retracement would target 1943 in the cash s&P initially


From: Steen Jakobsen (SJN)
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:16 AM
Subject: Macro Charts: SME spreads - Target for S&P 1814/16?



An interesting chart from IMF/Martin Wolf: How to better than the new mediocre


The chart confirms my theory that in 80/20 model – the 20% of the economy: The big business, listed companies and banks gets 95% of all credit and QE supports which makes their funding cost 200-300 bps lower than normal business cycle (and explains high P/E and valuations in stock markets) . Meanwhile the 80% (& 100% of all new jobs created) in the SME have funding costs which is 300-600 bps higher than normal business cycle.


Want to solve lack of jobs and productivity? Stop supporting the 20% and do nothing else for the next five years.(Last time Fed expanded the balance sheet like now was in the 1940s – the rotting only stop when they stopped QE…)


Doing nothing is the only viable solution to this crisis, but our politicians can't run on such a program….. Activating the SME is THE solution.



Maybe the "target" for S&P is 1810/20 1st ?  When? Mid-November?




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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onsdag den 15. oktober 2014

Macro Charts: SME spreads - Target for S&P 1814/16?


An interesting chart from IMF/Martin Wolf: How to better than the new mediocre


The chart confirms my theory that in 80/20 model – the 20% of the economy: The big business, listed companies and banks gets 95% of all credit and QE supports which makes their funding cost 200-300 bps lower than normal business cycle (and explains high P/E and valuations in stock markets) . Meanwhile the 80% (& 100% of all new jobs created) in the SME have funding costs which is 300-600 bps higher than normal business cycle.


Want to solve lack of jobs and productivity? Stop supporting the 20% and do nothing else for the next five years.(Last time Fed expanded the balance sheet like now was in the 1940s – the rotting only stop when they stopped QE…)


Doing nothing is the only viable solution to this crisis, but our politicians can't run on such a program….. Activating the SME is THE solution.



Maybe the "target" for S&P is 1810/20 1st ?  When? Mid-November?




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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tirsdag den 14. oktober 2014

Macro Digest: The capitulation in the US bond market...and short-term macro outlook

This is vert interesting chart from Credit Suisse – paying the full spread is something investors rarely do… as explained in my latest note:  The Mood Sours being a primitive guy I have only have real call and one which I have had since Q4-2013: Retest of lows in global yield.



Since my note last week a few new things have happened:


-      IPO being cancelled left- right and center

-      Weidmann and Draghi fighthing in pulic – which to me is clear sign Draghi is Italian President by June 2015

-      Rates collapsed in US relative to US.

-      2 Y EURUSD spread now have fair value of 1.3000 vs. 1.2500 mid-September

-      A total change of both rhetoric and mo from FED as Fischer becomes more and more vocal for FOMC combined with the usual early warning from Dudley.

-      A UK economy where Carney is more misunderstood than Yellen – which is quit a feast…maybe they should all take my number one advice to all politicians and central bankers: Do nothing, say nothing!

-      Greece all of the sudden have rising interest rates. Breaking 7% again… going north..


Two things are missing for this re-pricing to have gone full circle:


The US Dollars needs to sell off – VaR on the books of high frequency traders are bloated and creating big loss' – long EURUSD is just about only trade working still this quarter. In classic cleaning of book exercise ALL assets class' needs to correlate to 1…. It's still lagging… personally I think its discount for public noise at ECB.


Club Med spreads needs to blow out – We are in budget process – more countries than before will violate all of the financial examinations rules – Two pack, Six pack et…. Which means either that we have delay of process which equates to its having no value or Germany leads charge to enforce the rules. Either way there is priced to be paid, which is lack of reform…


To me the present short-term outlook is wave 3 – a maturing wave 3 – soon there will be reaction to overs oldness in wave 4, but only to be replaced by further sell of a final wave 5.


Soon I will start revise Germany & European growth up "relative" to consensus…..but that's a Q1 exercise.. we are entering the dangerous phase of this pretend-and-extend. The price of low inflation on debt is finally coming through….We are getting very close to that Minsky moment we talked about in Saxo's Q4 outlook, more so as equity broad based globally is returning ZERO………while the debt is ever increasing….



Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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fredag den 10. oktober 2014

Macro Digest: Fed, US Dollar and outlook.


I have had several macro conference calls and speaking engagements over the course of this week – a few take aways:


1.    The mood has changed – See the "confidence index" from T Theory  below for data…. The driver in my opinion is the gradual acceptance of disinflation/deflation – as Albert Edwards been pointing out Russel Napier done some work on how when inflation gets low enough it becomes a problem for risky assets. Edwards - Napier

2.    There is growing believe that the "narrative of the central banks" is failing –  Low yield for so long as we have had it, is now becoming an issue. I have discussed this with several of you and the opinion is that ECB's Draghi lost out with his latest "wide in scope, small in size" program, that BOJ looks like a deer caught in the spotlight, and most importantly: Yellen and FED management is doing a poor job of communicating…


There is even openly resentment of Yellen as Chair-woman – I don't condone any of Fed policies, but I firmly believe Yellen is misunderstood. She is more dovish than market can figure out, she is a true female leader, meaning her process allow more room and opinions of fellow board members, which is why we are seeing Stanley Fischer being a new and much improved voice for Fed, together with Dudley and she is considerable better than both AG and BB in terms of understanding the mechanics of Fed and the economy.


Finally on Fed – I NEVER understood how market could pay that much attention to regional Presidents… they are politicians, representing either specific economic agendas relative to their regions, or specific economic theories… Let's hope the "dots" dies soon as they are single handly the most useless information ever (You can reach a specific growth forecast from many angles being of the issues)


3.    Central banks are now concerned about velocity of  foreign exchange moves (ECB & BOJ) and Fed outright on the impact on future growth in the US. This MAJOR change – a vocal change as often before initiated by New York Fed's Dudley(September 21st 2014) and confirmed by Fed Minutes this week: Bloomberg LINK:


Officials at the Federal Open Market Committee's Sept. 16-17 meeting warned that the stronger dollar may hamper exports, and said the economy could be hurt by a global slowdown. That boosted speculation the Fed may delay raising its target rate from the zero to 0.25 percent range it's been in since 2008, causing the greenback to fall Oct. 8 versus most of its peers before rebounding yesterday.

"You can make the case that the run in the dollar for the moment is going to pause," John Gorman, the head of dollar interest-rate trading for Asia-Pacific at Nomura Holdings Inc., said yesterday in a phone interview from Tokyo.

Rate Outlook There's a 57 percent chance the Fed will lift rates to at least 0.5 percent by September 2015 futures data compiled by Bloomberg show. The yen will still weaken to 112 per dollar by Dec. 31 and 120 by the end of next year, according to Nomura, the Japanese currency's most accurate forecaster for the four quarters ended Sept. 30 based on data compiled by Bloomberg.


Of course 95% of Wall Street and 98% of all hedge fund remains long US Dollar as it's an island of strength – my model however disagree as seen below. Vertical line is the present…..



My ONLY call(since Q4-2013) remains that global yields (G-10) goes all time low – and in this final phase will be lead by US 10-Y going to 1.5% and 30-Y to 2.5% - which creates a derivative trade which is US dollar strength is about to top – there is significant chance of retesting recent highs for the US Dollar, but central banks, the momentum of the US economy, disinflation trends, and global geopolitical environment which sees US lose power week by week, is signs, although still early, of changes to the outlook. The world – growth-wise – does not work with a strong US Dollar – Asia is linked and suffering…






4.    It's often "too easy" to find negative charts after big down move, but I think these three is more than a day or two sell-offs…







Below from Daily Shot:



Safe travels,


Steen Jakobsen




This is full daily from the Daily Shot – an excellent day-by-day chart/short comments service….which I high recommend…


A rough day in the equity markets today. We started with some not so pleasant news out of Germany where exports dropped more than expected. That spooked the jittery markets and a selloff ensued. Looking at this chart however I don't see a major export problem for Germany – just fluctuations in large orders.


The big story today was crude oil prices plummeting, with Brent falling below $90 for the first time since 2012  (during the Eurozone crisis). WTI crude collapsed even faster.


December Brent:


December WTI:

Source: barchart


And with crude went the energy shares (red).  Falling oil prices are pressuring North American energy producers' margins.


Source: stockcharts


Another source of pain in the equity markets have been small caps (red), as this year's underperformance accelerates.


Source: stockcharts


One of the trends that makes me uneasy about the stock market from the technical point of view is low "bear count".  That's in spite of recent volatility.


Source: Yardeni Research


With energy under pressure, Russia is in trouble. The central bank has been trying to stem the ruble's decline without much success. At Brent below $90, things are going to get ugly for Russia. Once again, I wouldn't be surprised to see some belligerent language (or even action) out of that government in an attempt to halt price declines.




As discussed last night, expectations for Fed's liftoff have shifted from next summer to almost a year from now. The chart below shows us at what point the fed funds rate are expected to be 25bp above current levels (the first hike).




US labor markets recovery remains robust – although nobody seems to be paying attention. Here are two data points:


1.      Initial unemployment claims are at an 8-year low -


2.      The Gallup job creation index is still on the rise -


Source: Gallup


In credit-land, leveraged loan fund outflows hit 13 consecutive weeks. There are also some concerns about midcap levered energy firms feeling the pain from falling oil prices. Some defaults coming up?


Source: LCD


High yield bonds are also under pressure – a really bad day today (particularly lower rated paper).


Source: barchart


Finally, some food for thought. Higher percentage of women aged 25-34 have a college education than men in the same age group.  And the gap is widening.


Source: @NickatFP 


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torsdag den 9. oktober 2014

Henry Kissinger: World Order.. Every part of the world is redefining itself..

I found below interview very interesting……Kissinger offers a concise analysis of the world and where it's heading…


The world is REDEFINING – these periods of redefining means increase in tension and higher volatility. China/Russia now forming strong anti-US and anti-USD alliance, an alliance which is widening in size and impact as China increases its presence not only in Africa but also in Club Med infrastructure investments….


The new world order means less US dominance, a gradual weakening of reserve currency advantages and trade areas away from from Europe and the US….. add to this the must needed fight against radical Islamism' and we have potential for geopolitical risk finally becoming part of risk assessment and return, but do read the Charlie Rose interview link below w. Kissinger..


This is one of the most chaotic periods that I know about. Every part of the world is redefining itself. Some internally—like China. Some externally: The European system hasn't dominated the world; it's been abandoned in Europe. And the U.S. is moving into a new period in which the dominance enjoyed in the immediate postwar period economically is no longer there. On the other hand, we are still the central element in creating a new order. Without our participation, it's difficult to see how a new system can emerge in most parts of the world.




Let me add a chart from my presentation:





Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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onsdag den 8. oktober 2014

EURUSD check last five days - eur.usd had turned PRIOR to feds

I'm a simple man - this is interesting to me..


Furthermore increasingly thinking Pax Americanus is peaking as we speak - world is REDEFINING itself as Henry Kissinger writes in his new book - last time this happened was 100 years ago - it brings increased tensions, volatility and less dominant US dollar forward - the strong move in US dollars makes Asia (linked currencie and economies) fail growth and REDEFINITION plans- the world simply can't keep going with stronger US dollar.


Fed acknowledged that indirectly in today's minute - Even Draghi showed concern for speed of move.... Remember ... US dollar is best forecasted by difference in growth btw US and rest of world... now rest of world have slowed down.. only a weaker US dollar can re-establish equilibrium - having said that.. of course I have been "long" since .1.2800 and suffering


.. AND still my only STRONG VIEW is that US 10 Yr. trades 1.5% by Q2 and 30 Yr. 2.25/50...... rest comes as derivatives of that trade (hint: US rates will drop faster than European from here...)



-----Original Message-----
From: Steen Jakobsen (SAXO BANK A/S) []
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:20 PM
Subject: check last five days - eur.usd had turned PRIOR to feds


check last five days - eur.usd had turned PRIOR to feds        

minutes...higher lows... VVVVVV interesting.. shows you this is

NOT minutes driven but position/rebalacing which by the way    

coincides with hf talking loud about how strong us dollar made them money...

tirsdag den 7. oktober 2014

Q4 Outlook - Opportunities in a debt-ridden world

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