onsdag den 8. oktober 2014

EURUSD check last five days - eur.usd had turned PRIOR to feds

I'm a simple man - this is interesting to me..


Furthermore increasingly thinking Pax Americanus is peaking as we speak - world is REDEFINING itself as Henry Kissinger writes in his new book - last time this happened was 100 years ago - it brings increased tensions, volatility and less dominant US dollar forward - the strong move in US dollars makes Asia (linked currencie and economies) fail growth and REDEFINITION plans- the world simply can't keep going with stronger US dollar.


Fed acknowledged that indirectly in today's minute - Even Draghi showed concern for speed of move.... Remember ... US dollar is best forecasted by difference in growth btw US and rest of world... now rest of world have slowed down.. only a weaker US dollar can re-establish equilibrium - having said that.. of course I have been "long" since .1.2800 and suffering


.. AND still my only STRONG VIEW is that US 10 Yr. trades 1.5% by Q2 and 30 Yr. 2.25/50...... rest comes as derivatives of that trade (hint: US rates will drop faster than European from here...)



-----Original Message-----
From: Steen Jakobsen (SAXO BANK A/S) [mailto:sjakobsen2@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:20 PM
Subject: check last five days - eur.usd had turned PRIOR to feds


check last five days - eur.usd had turned PRIOR to feds        

minutes...higher lows... VVVVVV interesting.. shows you this is

NOT minutes driven but position/rebalacing which by the way    

coincides with hf talking loud about how strong us dollar made them money...

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