fredag den 10. november 2017

Victor Hill: One year of Trumponomics

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Friday 10 November 2017
One year of Trumponomics
by Victor Hill | Economics | 13 mins. to read

This first real week of autumn has been one of anniversaries.

First, we marked 500 years since an academic friar by the name of Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg. Amongst other questions, Luther asked: "Why does the Pope, whose wealth today is greater than the wealth of the richest Crassus, build the basilica of Saint Peter with the money of poor believers rather than with his own money?" This extraordinary document triggered a series of momentous events that we now call the Reformation – which changed us utterly. Mostly, in my view, for the better.

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Pension vs. HomeFunds to profit from rising or falling commodity prices

by Robert Stephens Economics 2 mins. to read
On paper, the earlier an individual starts contributing to a pension, the better. It allows more time for compounding to have a positive impact and generally means there is a better chance of a higher value pension at retirement age.
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CommoditiesFunds to profit from rising or falling commodity prices

by Nick Sudbury Funds 2 mins. to read
If there is one area that divides opinion more than most it is commodities. Some investors think that we are entering a new bull market and that now is the perfect time to buy, whereas others are sceptical and remain bearish.
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                                             Aaron Brown
Arms Race

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