mandag den 1. april 2013

Macro Digest: While we were gone....

We have been gone for a long Easter weekend and meanwhile we have had considerable damage done to the favorite trades of Q1 - namely long USDJPY and short US Fixed Income:Nikkei is down close to 6% from its peak, and I think its important to notice that Japan in Q1 provided most of the QE-juice the market enjoyed:

USDJPY the most hled foreign exchange position also got hurt:

but the real damage is in the long-term chart, where uptrend since November has been violated:

Finally, the US fixed income is on something of come-back - and this is a year where EVERYONE and their dog is short and avoiding fixed income:

Meanwhile in event risk land we have this week:

·         ECB meeting where we finally will see and hear ECB Chief Draghi

·         BOE meeting - now the remit up for discussion will BOE act early on more QE?

Meanwhile in reality-land or where real data and facts are used to confirm trends - We find that growth three month into the year looks extremely weak:

Europe data have disappointed hard:

but the real disappoint is EMG growth....which never got started:

While in the US - the recent improvement is now reversing.....

Call me naive, but I have a hard time seeing the combined news above constituting a positive bias to the market, the "biggest news" is the failure of USDJPY to hold its levels ahead of BOJ meeting. Market seems to be saying all of the news is now priced in, but the actual meeting will prove this right or wrong.

The ECB meeting will be about bail-out and the new buzz word: Template - I'm sure Draghi will also deny knowing the word, as it will not play into his hands, but..... Draghi must be concerned - the bail-in of senior bond holders and the EU Parliaments draft to include bail-in of uninsured deposits effectively removes a lot of his power as the ESM and the whole OMT becomes less likely in future financing models which could be based on someone actually taking a loss. Central bankers loves the limelight, so I excpect Draghi to fight back and try to put himself in focus, maybe by the token promise of a interest rate cut.

Draghi and ECB's problem however is not with the level of interest rates, but with the total failure of low interest rate to benefit anyone but the undercapitalized banking sector. The FT reports this morning: Blow for ECB as wider loans rates hit south

All in all - everyone will expect much action this week but end of the day it will be about the JPY and nothing but as Japan has been the only real QE party in Q1 - should they disappear or fail, we will be back to fundamentals, the last place policy makers and long equity players wants to go.

safe travels,




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Economist


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