onsdag den 26. juni 2013

Macro: Australian leadership challenge... - Kevin Rudd may have the votes to become PM tonight

Macro: Australian leadership challenge...

My sources in Australia seems to believe Kevin Rudd has the votes to become PM tonight (Vote @ 11: 00 AM CET) –


We could be looking at an early election in Australia with Sydney/Canberra now talking about August date if Rudd wins in 50 min.

I'm very negative on Australia and the AUD - The worst terms of trade, a collapsing investment cycle, an unionized labor market and a general to relax attitude to the challenges ahead.

IF Rudd wins tonight - it will make the referendum (September 14th 2013)  more interesting – Kevin Rudd will blame all on Gillard, revisit the carbon tax and generally create the momentum missing from Gillard and Labor over the past 12 month.

Tactically with Gold collapsing, more uncertainty I have opted to buy two week AUD put...as per below...

I see sub-90 inside the next two weeks.







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