onsdag den 30. december 2015

Happy New Year - 2015 was an amazing macro year, 2016 will be even more exciting.....

"May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!" 
Aleister Crowley, Moonchild


2015 was  an exciting macro year, probably the most interesting since the GFC crisis started:


·        Policy makers went into overdrive and still failed – the lower for longer was dismissed, only for ECB to turn up late to a party ending. I love the timing of ECB and Europe,' better late than not at all' seems the motto of choice. The refugees will add to investment & growth in Europe in 2015 making ECB look out of line…..


·        Fed hiked "in spite" and will probably take Q1 growth as sign of confirmation – realizing too late that US economy can't tolerate higher rates..


·        Three years of falling emerging markets – consensus claims there will be a fourth year, of course I doubt that….


·        Oil going to sub-25?  Market seems to forget that Iran has been exporting oil forever, just not "legally"… plus OPEC needs production ceiling if Saudi et al wants to maintain the power of the region….


Finally, as 2015 close – the long warned signal for Fixed Income to sell off have come: today my "models" sold 10 and 30 Y US bonds plus went short both LQD and IEF – interesting close…!!!! Indeed….





2015 was the failure of central planning and the "asset allocation" year was the worst EVER – according to Bianco Research (Thank you Jim Perry !!!)






Let me end the year by wishing the best of luck and prosperity in 2016 – I promise it will be exciting year – Never has there been more opportunities, never have the policy makers been further away from the "the truth" and consensus than now, and of course our dear politicians are hopeless lost in a world of fantasies with reality catching up to their "pretend-and-extend" – You can run from Greece going bankrupt, but you can't hide from millions of refugees!


I had the pleasure of meeting many of you from this email list and I must say I was impressed by your commitment and willingness to discuss! Thank you for welcoming me all of you!


Safe travels into 2016 and Au Revoir,






Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


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torsdag den 17. december 2015

Steen's Chronicle: The Big Nothing? Final macro note of the year

Steen's Chronicle: The big nothing?


"I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about" – Janet Yellen……….sorry Oscar Wilde J


Finally! Saxo Bank's Outrageous Predictions is out:  Saxo OP-2016 Link to PDF and less important: Fed hiked!


My 'real' 2016 outlook in headlines will be this:


·       US Dollar will weaken – it will follow the "normal path" of weaker US$ post the first hike. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVEL-skVEAAyeOs.png:large

·       China will do better than expected – the easier monetary policy, but more importantly the "internationalization of RMB" will drive demand up, not down

·       Emerging market will be the best performing asset – it has both price and value being cheap. Argentina moving to floating currency is first good news in three years and more is to come.

·       2016 will be a year of two halves: A bad start, and a good finish. S&P will trade both 1.800 and 2.200 during the year, but overall 2016 is a "year of transition from zero bound, none working policies towards a new business cycle which will start with a "bust" and then a new start.

·       El Nino will impact inflation, growth and commodities positively: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWIgP6kUAAARm_6.png:large

·       Inflation will be higher next year – higher than expectations: El Nino adds 0.2%, base effect another 0.2% and then some demand pull and more credit flow.


Federal Reserve – Fed says four, market says maximum two – I'm with Fed

Fed left it was late, probably too late, but the tone of the press conference and "dots" indicates Fed high believe in their forecasts.

Four hikes is on the cards for 2016, the market consensus is two hikes offered – the gap remains and for now the risky assets trades on fading the Fed.

Fed however do tend to deliver the promised hikes. An excellent piece "Historical lesson from Federal Reserve rate-hike cycles" from Allianz Global Advisors proves the point:


Most commentators of course thinks this time it's different – always is right?


Q4-GDP looks better and better, my favorite indicator: Fed Atlanta's GDPnow is now well inside the consensus:



The big question: Inflation or not?


The main "new information" I got from Chairwoman Yellen was her increased confidence in inflation picking up – here lies a potential "explanation" between Fed and market. Market simply does not buy higher inflation despite these headline recently:



Euro core inflation at two year high and overall core-inflation have not only increased by stayed closed to 2% at all times here is the link to Yellen direct answer to inflation

Meanwhile my main theme for Q3 and Q4 of this year – the price of capital rising continues – I don't need to remind you but it has been carnage.




I leave 2015 risk wise very light on positions – my price signals is not flashing yet and the only optionality I will want to own is upside in crude (WTI), Gold/Silver and weaker US$.

It will take the market a week at least to "get…" the message that the cost of money has now started a move higher and probably much higher than most people can even imagine. 80% of all trader in the market today have never lived through a Fed hike cycle and the cost of capital needs to rise – the 57 trillion US$ of debt which has financed the meaker growth we have seen since 2009 now needs to be addressed.


Thank you,


Let me use this opportunity to say thank you to all the customers, investors, conference attendees, media and colleagues I have met in my busiest year ever.

I have been on the road for more than 120 days, been to more than 30 countries, but everywhere I am astonished how smart, open and engaged everyone is and this despite me often telling you that you are the dumbest generation ever, the most bland, the most average, and the least productive!

This ability to accept the discussion, for us to have the conversation has been the highlight for me and it's a sign of not only a willingness but also a commitment to move towards a mandate for change.

I wish all of you a happy holidays, may the presents be large and plenty,

Safe travels,


Steen "Santa Claus" Jakobsen



Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


Research: http://www.tradingfloor.com/traders/steen-jakobsen

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onsdag den 16. december 2015

2016 Outrageous Predictionsis out!

Dear All,


Please find the OP-2016 attached as PDF – and a presentation I use to explain them.


Hope you will enjoy it.


Safe travels,




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


Research: http://www.tradingfloor.com/traders/steen-jakobsen

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torsdag den 3. december 2015

US Excess rate indicates MAJOR cycle turn ? Cost of capital RISING despite ECB and a slow FED



Interesting chart – the US "excess rate" in 10 yr. sector……hence the "cost of capital" for reserve/funding currency of choice…


A high – too high price of money- have a tendency to "kill growth" in rest of the world and hence spill over into lower markets, US$ and risk…..


Here its charted vs. the DXY index…  The excess rate follow Sinus-like progress from -50 to +50 – below/above creates reversals….


In other "divergence" is MAX-ed out presently…..


Another look here at 12 month (1 yr) – GDP weighted ….also… price of money rising..




Finally, credit space.. CCC – Junk has gone ballistic..




Even BAA – lowest investment grade keeps seeing rising yields…



Leveraged loans @ 2010/11 prices!!!!





Another divergence chart… EUR high yield vs. Global High Yield..



Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


Research: http://www.tradingfloor.com/traders/steen-jakobsen

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fredag den 27. november 2015

Macro Digest: Georgia on my mind

  • Georgia quickly becoming a hub for transport and finance
  • Country is an extremely attractive tourist destination
  • Downside includes weak currency and massive CA deficit
  • Georgia is profoundly misunderstood – that's another hurdle
  • Current account deficit must be transformed into productivity


 A sparkling land of opportunity. Photo: iStock



By Steen Jakobsen


I write this as I return from a three day trip to Tblisi, Georgia where I helped launch G&T Trader, the online trading platform of Galt & Taggart, the investment arm of our new  partner, Bank of Georgia.

I have to admit being in Georgia is the biggest positive surprise this year! By far! Here is a tiny country where less than seven years ago Russian tanks were circling the motorways outside the capital of a place that believes in liberty and incentives.

For the past several years Georgia has been emerging as a transportation hub, a local financial hub and in the words of my hosts: using the fact that Georgia in the old CIS structure was the Italy of Eastern Europe. They have the food, wine, beaches and skiing. 

On top of this Georgia is also the most easterly country in Europe – the gate through which you enter into Asia – which of course makes it part of the Silk Road and hence a probable beneficiary of FDI from not only China but also western companies wanting to make a foothold in the CCA region.

The downside? 

Three things come to mind: A massive 10% current account deficit, an extremely weak currency, the Lari, (GEL is the ISO code) and a misunderstood story.

The current account deficit needs to be converted into productivity and it's starting to happen, but Georgia remains extremely dependent on foreign lending and the 35% of the population living outside Georgia. Remittances amount to 9% of GDP and remain an important source of funding.

The currency needs to come under "control" – it has followed the TRY and RUB lower, but there seems to be a thinking that the weak GEL pays for some of the lost revenue from the region seen through lower oil prices.


I disagree, there needs to be a "strong Lari' policy commitment or at least a stable one, as the country is short of the funding it needs to preserve the value of investments. Furthermore, coming from a very low GDP per capita ($10,000 in PPP terms) it certainly needs to improve not only productivity but also to create pressure to improve competitiveness through an upgrade of better quality through investments and catch-up on technology.

Probably the biggest barrier though is the misunderstood story:

Georgia is not, as one could think, a mirror of Russia, it is dependent on the business cycle of Russia but through oil (as oil rich Azerbaijan) remains a huge trade partner – actually it strikes me that Georgia tries to do everything exactly the opposite of what Russia does.


Worryingly, a barrier to progress is embedded in the constitution: There can be no new taxes without a vote in parliament, public spending can be a maximum of 30% of GDP, and failure to comply will mean the fall of the government.


The ambition is to create a Singapore for the region, based on servicing the needs of the surrounding countries. Food, wine, holidays, beaches, skiing, casinos's and banking – there is big inflow of capital from less open societies – in the region Georgia is perceived to be a safe place – it's corruption ranking is just behind …. Denmark! Furthermore,  the government operates one of the most open architectures I have seen anywhere including in Scandinavia.

The misunderstood story is easy to explain – the skirmish in 2008 with Russia remains on most investors' radars, but considering the response, the mandate for change created through this crisis, Georgia becomes a miniature experiment of what I have tried to preach again and again when travelling the world.

Any crisis is an opportunity to change and cement new forward looking best practices and actions and the Georgians have already done much:


They've enabled the incentive structure through reducing the public sector to a ratio below 50%; reduced the complexity of tax laws and made the public sector a proper service organisation helping the economy as opposed to fighting it.

Georgia has achieved this in a very short space of time – the catch up effect has been the driver so far, now Georgia needs to convert its investments into productivity and growth, stabilise the Lari and put Georgia on the map.

I, for one, will keep a firm eye on not only my hosts Bank of Georgia's stock, but also on the one mini experiment inside Europe, where they have accepted the challenge of change. A change away from their historic planned economic setup towards a model of an open society.

Georgia could very well be the next Singapore/Italy and Switzerland in one – and this is perhaps also the explanation why a statue of Ronald Regan is given pride of place in Tblisi's Freedom Park.

Photo: Courtesy of Steen Jakobsen 

When I sat down with Ronald at the end of the trip he asked me to give a thumbs up to Georgia – he liked what he saw from his bench overlooking Tblisi and so did I.

PS: I see the Lari – 5-10% stronger in 2016 on lower US$/stronger rouble.
PPS: One word of warning – they will try to "kill you" with their local excellent wine and food!

Safe travels,




– Edited by Clare MacCarthy


Steen Jakobsen is chief economist and CIO at Saxo Bank



Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


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mandag den 23. november 2015

Macro Digest: The Fed hike and the US dollar...




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


Research: http://www.tradingfloor.com/traders/steen-jakobsen

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torsdag den 19. november 2015

Steen's Chronicle Light: Video interview on Fed, EM, commodities, Australia done w. Rivkin and AFR article on why I love the AUD outlook.....


Good morning from Sydney where Santa Claus runs around in shorts and 40 degrees celcius weather…


Instead of long winded travel note I am giving you an interview done btw me and Rivkin's Scott Schuberg, where Scott does a great job of asking the right macro questions plus an article from AFR – the FT down here on AUD.


This week in Asia (Tokyo and Sydney) taught m:


-        The negative China view remains ''prefered view of consensus"

-        Japan is going from bad to worse – Abenomics 2.0 is a farce – next? Less monetary and more fiscal stimulus?

-        Commodities and EM remains unloved….at the 99% quartile

-        There is new optismism in Australia  - risk remain highly leverage housing and consumers. RBA is done on downside from now..











Final note


Stanley Fischer again 'promises' December?




Thank you to my great colleagues in Tokyo and Sydney for looking out for me…….


Safe travels,



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onsdag den 11. november 2015

Steen's Chronicle: The Primitive economy - Outlook for next four quarters

Steen's Chronicle: The primitive economy




It's time for the final update in 2015 on the forward looking model for 2016 and to present the Primitive Economy. The very economic model we are now reduced to follow after years of poor policy response from central banks and the lack of reform from politicians:


The Primitive Global Economy, where all future scenarios is driven by one factor and one factor only: The direction of the US$.


Since the Great Financial Crisis, GFC, the total global Debt/GDP has increased by 17%, that's a cool 57.000 billion US$ of new debt – most of which has been originated in US$ and mainly raised by emerging market countries including China.


The selloff in emerging markets was really a huge margin call on US$ debt – as EM currencies collapsed 20%,30%,40% and even in some cases 50% the debt burden rose despite 'lower yields for longer' being the operative policy response.


Faced with an uphill struggle to repay debt emerging market reduced their investment and capex, in the process reducing the export orders for global export names in Europe and the US. The stronger US$ not only made the debt harder to repay but through inverse correlation to commodity prices it also reduced the price of oil, metals and agriculture turning the "excess savings" from China, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Mexico and Brazil into deficits.


The net impact off lower global reserves being recycled has meant the cost-of-capital, COC, has risen 100 bps for lowest investment grade and 700 bps for junk rated entities.



Note how the low in spread was all the way back in June/July 2014


The correlation between lower reserves and higher yield is seen here through an excellent chart from Zerohedge:


Note: Please observe right hand scale is upside down – higher is lower yield.


This tail-wind for lower yield has in academic papers been put at an average of 100 bps discount over the cycle. I.e.: Yields, COC, has been 100 bps lower than without the recycling. This process will continue to drive the marginal cost of capital, MCC, up with or without Fed hiking rates in December.


Maybe it's time to look at the primitive model used by policy makers:




The "game" is as follow: In an environment of ever higher debt forcing down growth, policy makers (read: central banks) lowers COC to "float" asset values. The low yield makes the forward looking value of asset go up and Voila! The world is "re-balanced" again. The problem of course being that the model is based entirely on collateral and the value of collateral is built on its present price but also its quality.


I just showed you how the junk bonds spread has risen to 1400 bps from 700 bps in less than two years – does that make the "quality" better or worse? Worse, of course, and this before Fed has even confirmed their 'lift-off' in rates.


What we have here is an extremely primitive economy: No one can tolerate a stronger US$ as it reduces future growth, excess savings, commodity prices and productivity……..and it happens at a time where there are major paradigm shifts about to happen:


·        Fed feels forced to hike – December is now 60% likely as the starting date for lift-off – reversing seven years of easier monetary policy.

·        Global 'dis-savings' is offsetting the stimulus by ECB and BOJ

·        The asset quality is under attack as disinflation/deflation, a strong US$, and commodity prices remains near multi decade lows(high for US$). Both the earnings power needed to pay the debt but also the price of carrying the debt is working against the collateral value of the "asset" – Elementary, Dr. Watson!


This is the monetary trends, but probably underreported is the fact that Fed, and certainly BOJ is starting to think differently about the concept of "lower for longer…"


Let's do a rewind on how and why we ended up with this misfiring forward guidance by FED, BOE, BOJ and ECB the 'go to' recipe when reaching zero bound interest rates.


The whole strategy of Ben Bernanke and his FED was based on a 2003 paper by Gauti Eggertson(IMF) and Michael Woodford(Princeton University) called: 'The zero bound on interest rates and optimal monetary policy' – the conclusion from the paper is included below:


The concept "lower for longer…." was born!

Now however, the new "mana" on the mountain is a new paper published this autumn by the Brookings Institutes Joshua Hausman, Univ. of Michicigan & NBER and Johaness Wieland, University of California & NBER titled: Abenomics: An update.

The conclusion is not surprising to people from the main street but it seems to have changed at least for now BOJ's appetite for more stimulus!


Policy makers is always looking for an academic "anchoring" off their policy – This paper cement the position which both Draghi, Bernanke, and now Yellen continues to ad lib: Monetary policy can't work on its own without support from fiscal policy!


Now how does this change the policy response? Clearly the US is not going to get big fiscal push one year ahead of next Presidential election and recently in Japan the market has been surprised to see Bank of Japan talking about corporates tax cuts instead of reacting to lower than expected inflation and GDP by doing more money printing.


The central banks are simply doubting the effect of low yield on the economy and is beginning to acknowledge, academically, but still ignoring publically, the unintended consequences of an economy where the allocation of capital is deficient in its root (not allocating to the principle of marginal cost of capital – and almost exclusively through an "planned" economy process) and extremely inflationary on the assets.


This is a dangerous position: The value of the asset is now not only deteriorating due to less quality (smaller earnings power, deflation/disinflation, strong US$, and price of capital) but also through an inflationary jump in valuation based on "lower for longer…" necessitated to balance out the debt (as per chart above)


The 2003 paper simply was an entry only - a one way street. There is not an orderly exit unless …… you get a weaker US$, higher productivity, a technology breakthrough or an economic model allocating money according to my good old Bermuda Triangle of economics (Stop supporting the 20% of the economy (listed companies and state owned companies) and instead focus on the 80% of the economy (The SME's which create 85% of old new jobs and 95% of all productivity))


A highly unlike event in a political world of non-accountability and ignorance of everything economic.


Off all the listed things which can unwind/mitigate the inflated collateralized asset bubble the lower US$ not only seems the "path of least resistance" but also both the most likely and the cheapest.



How can a cheaper US$ coincide with a Fed starting to hike interest rates?


Well, the fact is the US$ is inverse correlated to the direction of US interest. In four out of the last five Fed hike cycles the peak of the US$ value has happened around the first hike – actually I seem to remember reading a paper arguing that the peak of US$ statistically comes on average 33 days before the first hike!


Yes, the primitive economy have reduced us to have one answer only to all questions regarding the future of financial markets: The US$......or more precisely the future direction of the US$.


As we leave 2015 I see these major changes to the macro environment as a conclusion to the above:



·        Be long US$ into the first Fed hike – the first Fed hike is your CATALYST!

·        Be short the US$ post the initial hike. Mainly vs. AUD and commodity based emerging market currencies (go short EM market currencies and markets  who has benefitted the most from lower energy)

·        Monitor closely the spread between lowest investment grade and junk bonds. The spread should continue to widen as asset quality weakens will increase supply (and downgrades from investment grades) creating a shortage of investable paper. Corporate debt implosion is a fat tail event which needs to be monitored!

·        Expect attempts to restart fiscal expansion by governments and probably most likely in the "infrastructure space" – I expect to see big increase in public/private projects where private money funds public investments through guarantees issued by governments. Please see this excellent read on why, how and how much is needed from FT's John Auther: Infrastructure: Bridging the gap

·        Be tactical long government fixed income post the first hike from FED as it will kill the weak growth in the US setting up a flirt with negative QoQ GDP from Q4 into Q1/Q2 – but respect that this is the final move down in yield before the combined compounded forces of the above will force rates up.


A trader could be long government bonds, but an investor will stay out as the cycle low is in place. The low will in history be June/July 2014 and the confirmation will be the first Fed hike.  The commodity cycled peaked in 2011 – we now nearing the point of both price and value being attractive – use this to average into commodities and EM currencies over next six month.



Source: Historical lessons from Federal Reserve rate-hike cycles, Allianz Capital



We are also a full cycle from the collapse in real estate prices in 2007/2008 but to my horror I have recently found out this week while in Madrid, that the Spanish banks now again offers mortgages at 113% of price! Yes, it's a good thing EU/ECB bailed out the Spanish banks!



We never learn from history and Yes, reducing the burden of debt is only remedy for getting back to "normal"…..


Strategy for Q4-2015 into low in Q1/Q2-2016


By Q1/Q2-2016 we will have seen the low in:


Inflation and yield, Emerging market, Gold, silver, platinum, Growth, Energy, CAPEX, Investment



And the high in:


US$, Asset quality,Non-performing loans, Bank earnings, Dividend and buy-backs



Over time market tends to move along the path of least resistance but recently the economic gravity, the business cycle, was suspended for a full cycle through "lower for longer…"


Finally, it seems the full price of the misguided policy have compounded into a very primitive economic model. One where no one benefits from a stronger US$. Hence the path of least resistance becomes a weaker US$.


Fortunately, the weaker US$ in the cards, not only through its historic tendency to peak simultaneously with the start of a rate hike cycle but also through all the process explained above, the biggest take away from this in the next decade will be that China and the US will have to share the global leadership – The US through having the biggest and deepest capital markets, and China through its excess savings and growth.  RMB will be top five currency traded by 2020 and the lesson from the expensive experience of the margin call on emerging market debt will be driving force for more local funding and deeper capital markets throughout the emerging market. Little was learned in 1997/98.


Yes, I call for the end of US$ dominance but not for the end of the US. No one ever made money from selling the US short, but their currency is now a token of a failed model and reducing the indirect help the US has gained from being global reserve currency is about to help improve the US incentive structure to reform and start a proper infrastructure and productivity drive. Cheap money did not do the job.


The world has changed dramatically on the micro level, but trust it's for the good of things.


2015 will in history be the end of an era of too much macro and too little micro – maybe there is still time for me to get that Noble Prize in economics for my Bermuda Triangle of economics theory?


Nah, unlikely – don't forget the Noble Prize in economics is instituted by the Swedish Riksbank and I don't expect any favour from the Swedes, especially as we are about to face off to quality for the European Championship in football.


Safe travels,


Steen Jakobsen











Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00


Research: http://www.tradingfloor.com/traders/steen-jakobsen

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