mandag den 25. maj 2015

Iron ore, mining stocks, and AUD


Good morning,


China moves again and maybe its part of the new "theme":



I rarely publish single stocks advice, but the below is "my personal  strategy" for getting involved in three things I believe in over the next full cycle (>5 yrs)


China growth via Silk Road, Commodities via Iron Ore, and Australia through exposure to mining.





There is growing signs that China will deliver on more infrastructure – and – this even before Silk Road comes fully online.


This morning in Beijing the National Development & Reform Commission unveiled list of 1.043 so-called public-private partnerships projects. Value: over 300 bln. US$




Meanwhile this morning in Sydney there was rumor that Chinese is applying to Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board for permission to invest in the iron ore producer (Fortescu)


I have for a long time been looking for a signal for buying highly leveraged Fortescue – the bond refinancing recently was the kick-off signal – whether the above is true or not I don't know but my "model" is close to buying @ 2.65



Iron ore, in itself, is rising nicely…





Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
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torsdag den 21. maj 2015

Steen's Chronicle: The best of times, the worst of times


Dear All,


Edited and improved version now "officially released" on



  • Significant changes to our JABA model's long-term outlook
  • Inopportune rise in gold and energy prices expected
  • Commodities will outperform and yields will add another 100 bps
  • Europe will suffer downturn and the US will flirt with recession in 2016

Gold is one of those items that should outperform over the longer term. Photo: iStock


By Steen Jakobsen

Saxo Bank's JABA model rarely makes significant changes to its long-term outlook, but this quarter is different. Not only do we expect a steep increase in yields but higher gold and energy prices too.

The dynamics at work are plenty: The model's predictions are always based on the lead-lag of different economic factors. Think of each economic data point, each market price as having its own Sinus curve. Once in a while this multitude of Sinus curves moves in the one direction and this time it's upwards in the second half of 2015.

The biggest "news" is that we are very close to the secular low in interest rates globally. This will have material impact on stocks, fixed income and asset allocation over the coming one to five years, and probably an "upside-down" return profile relative to performance since the financial crisis started. Commodities will outperform and yields will move up by another 100 bps before Europe once again slides to downturn and the US flirts with recession in early 2016.


The headlines for the next 6-7 months say:


  • US, German and EU core government bonds will be 100 bps higher by and in Q4 before making its final new low in H1 2016. US 10-year yield will trade above 3.0% and Bunds above 1.25%
  • Energy: WTI crude will hit US $70-80/barrel, setting up excellent energy returns.
  • US dollar will weaken to EUR1.18/1.20 before retest of lows and then start multi-year weakness.
  • Gold will be the best performer in commodity-led rally. We see 1425/35 by year-end.


US 10-year yield next cycle  >3.25% then <1.50% then normalisation

Source: Bloomberg 

Next cycle for the US dollar  – test of new lows until 2019

 Source: Bloomberg


US trade-weighted dollar index: gains first, then slides

 Source: Bloomberg

This, of course, is the same model that predicted Germany flirting with recession last year and the absence of lift-off growth in the US over the last few years. This very model has kept me 75% in fixed income since Q3-2013.

H1-2016 is now the cycle low for inflation, interest rates, the euro and employment. The year 2016 becomes the true zero against which we will compare all future data points.

The Saxo JABA model forces me to reverse engineer its predictions, and to be honest, it has taken me some time to adjust to this new reality – I like my 75% in bonds – but there is a logic to the model.

The changes in macro themes are:


  1. China and the new Silk Road.
  2. The zero bound interest rates and their unintended consequences. Expected return for all assets is zero.
  3. The Federal Reserve's incoming margin call on the asset inflation and the Chinese impact on US rates.
  4. Time.

China and the new Silk Road

I have often argued that what happens in Beijing is more important than what goes on in Washington. During the peak of the 2008/09 stock market selloff, 


China initiated the single biggest fiscal expansion in history (4 trillion yuan = USD 570bn). Almost singlehandedly the Chinese managed to keep world growth afloat at a time where everything was coming off the tracks.

Now China has initiated the Silk Road land route and a maritime equivalent. It's estimated to be the biggest economic experiment since the Marshall plan after World War II. China is going to use its excess savings to offer credit and infrastructure investment across Eurasia – from China's east coast to Venice and all the way down to Cape Hope in Africa.

With USD4 trillion of foreign exchange reserves, which by the way earns them zero interest, they have decided to expand their customer base by offering supply – credit and investment. This is a modern day version of Say's Law (supply offers its own demand), which by the way remains pretty much the only law I remember from economics and the only one of practical use.

When China comes online with the Silk Road it will be a significant boost to commodities as much of the work and investment needed across Eurasia is in infrastructure, buildings and railroads. 


China estimates the yearly value of the Silk Road and the supporting Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in commerical terms alone will double to $1.25 trillion worth of business by 2020. 


This does not account for seed investment, lending and non-Chinese business among the counterparties in the Eurasia region. In other words it's enormous both in terms of scale and ambition.


China is renowned for its large-scale projects such as the Qinghai-Tibet railway above. 

But the new Silk Road project will dwarf even that. Photo: iStock

The zero bound interest rate and its unintended consequences: Expected return is zero


Keeping interest rates too low for too long entails plenty of risks. Chief among them, of course, are bubbles in the housing and the stock markets. The conclusion no one wants to accept, however, is that zero interest rates, zero inflation, zero reform and zero hope really must mean that the expected return in the near future (less than ten years) is zero.

I was happy to see GMO's recent predictions for asset classes over the next seven years in its Q1 2015 report called Breaking out of Bondage.


This has several implications but the one which I think will play a major role in H2 2015 is that commodities will experience a renaissance. They are deeply discounted and actually their return and Z-score almost scream for being bought:

Thomson Reuters /Core Commodity CRB Commodity Index – Price and Z-score on 52 weeks

 Source: Bloomberg


The chart above clearly shows that when CRY is 2 Z-score cheap it offers extreme valuations. For context the recent Bund move was an outsized move which should only happen once every 60 years – it's Z- score? Barely 2 Z!

The return profile YoY is even more interesting – it shows how big money can be made and lost in commodities:

Thomson Reuters /Core Commodity CRB Commodity Index – CRY index ROC 12-month


 Source: Bloomberg


Early 2015 saw commodities return reach minus 30% YoY. The only worse period was 2008/09 during the peak of the financial crisis. 

Add to commodities cheap energy prices. Energy is roughly 40-50% cheaper than a year ago. US studies shows energy costs are estimated to represent more than 15% of the total cost of production in the mining industry in the US. 


South Africa's mines uses more than 6% of all energy in the country, and in Brazil the Vale mining corporation accounts for more than 4% of all energy used. This of course makes the mining sector more attractive and mining futures less so.

The commodity outperformance is driven by multiple simultaneous factors:

Under-owned, comparative advantages in zero-bound interest rates (tangible over intangible), inflation hedge into rising inflation expectations, tail-wind from mining costs, the Silk Road and finally, an expected return which beats any other asset based on its recent history.

Interest rates: Secular change? Fed's incoming margin call on the asset inflation & the China impact on US rates

When Stanley Fischer was appointed vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve the dynamics of that institution's focus also changed. Fed chair Janet Yellen was already focused on inequality and job market prospects, but Fischer quickly established himself as pro "macro prudential frameworks". 

He quickly started to talk about "asset inflation" and the need for normalisation of interest rates. (Note, it was not a call for higher rates, but for "normalisation".)

I did extensive analysis of this in my "Is the Fed to do a paradigm shift":

Fischer: "Well, the — I started learning about the Fed when I was an undergraduate. And in those days, we spent a lot of time on the Fed's annual report of 1923, which set out how it thought monetary policy worked. I was amazed to discover in the NBR's most — one of the NBR's recent lists of papers, a paper saying, « When did the Fed give up on its 1923 principles?« , which included preventing banks' lending for speculative purposes. That was one of the things that they were supposed to stop."

..and later:

"The other fact which has come up is, should the Fed be involved in regulation in stabilizing the financial system? And that was something that was believed in 1923, was regarded as not very important in the early 2000s, and is now very important. And I think we're learning that. I don't think we've learned how to deploy it, but we've learned that we have to figure out how to undertake financial sector stabilization, and that's something which we'll develop in the next few years, and I think we're beginning to get a hold of that — that material now"

In other words Fischer believes in macro prudential frameworks and that it needs to be tied to misallocation of capital.

There is, however, one important caveat: If or when the Fed does hike it will be the first time in newer monetary history where it hikes despite not having financial support for it. I have created an extremely simple Fed Prediction Model which has been able roughly to call next direction and timing of change in Fed rates. Presently we are nowhere near a need for higher rates, the "magic" number being >1.0% against the present 1.6%. Clearly, this is not about the economy but entirely to deflate the "asset inflation" , which I guess is new central speak for "bubble like"….

Hike probabilities – inflation, growth and unemployment

Source: Bloomberg


The consensus expects the Fed to delay hiking rates in a classic move of "rather wait than act". This is interesting as the consensus as recently as early January saw 2015 as the lift-off point for growth in the US – expecting 3.2% as of end of January (Bloomberg Survey) – unlike the JABA model which early in Q1 called for "2015 to be another lost year for growth".

We have had the worst start to data since 2009 and it looks like that Q2 GDP is heading to another disappointment. Atlanta Fed's GDPnow model is indicating a Q2 growth of 0.7% vs a consensus of 1.7%


However, it should be noted that these data tend to mean-revert. I expect US data to pick up and by enough to create a real risk of the Fed raising rates in June or September.

Fed balance sheet and intervention is turning negative – few people realise this:




 Source: Federal Reserve


The final piece to this secular change to interest rates comes from China. The recent "dramatic" cut of RRR by a full percentage point adds $260bn worth of stimulus to the Chinese economy – the reversal of the last two decades' policy of sterlising the massive current and capital account surplus. Now China runs a capital deficit and needs to divest its holding – meaning foreign bonds. These are mainly in US Treasuries, but also in EUR government bonds. China will no longer be a net buyer but a net seller of bonds – the speed of which is dictated by how much China needs to cut rates further.

I did a back of the envelope calculation of this recently in a piece called: Why China is more important than the Fed:

RRR is now 18.50% – the 20-yr average is 12.00%. However, assuming significantly more stimulus is needed to reignite China growth into Silk Road projections, we can conservatively estimate that RRR needs to go down. The BIS capital requirement is set at 4.5% and the US has operated with 6-8% since July 2013. In other words, the banking sector is allowed to leverage 22x outside the US and 12.5% in the US. Let's assume China goes to the 12.00% 20-yr average:

The calculation then becomes:

($61 bn * ((20-12))*4 = $1.952 bn. ($61 bn per 25 bps, times 8% net change)) China FX reserves including "loss of RRR cuts"

Chinese FX reserves and the need for RRR to be cut to 12%:


Source: Bloomberg

This change of dynamics in China's foreign exchange accumulation comes simultaneously with the country's clear definition of the next political cycle based on the Silk Road initiative. China is slowly, gradually, becoming not only the biggest economy in the world, but also punching its weight in the financial markets. We remain US-centric and Europe-centric is our world view but remaining so in the next ten years can have huge negative implications on investments.

Time – the unknown dimension

The crisis started in 2008 – the low in S&P-500 was in March 2009 at 666.00 (the devil's number!) since then we have had an unpredecented party of easy money, buying time and ignoring facts.

The financial world today is now an island on its own – separated from the real economy, as can be seen by the paradox of record high valuation in the stock market coinciding with record low inflation, employment , productivity and no hope. There is asset inflation, but deflation in the real economy. 

My old theory of the Bermuda Triangle of economics is about to collapse – when the world has been long enough time at zero-bound the misallocation, the inability to reform, and a toolbox without new tools creates a mandate for change.

We are nearing the seventh year of the low, which means we are at the seventh year of the high in the stock market.  All measures of valuation are above neutral. Maybe not expensive, maybe not in bubbles, but a bottom analysis recently by a client I produced just thirteen cheap stocks in a universe of 10,766 stocks.

You will note I haven't "called" on the market in this report, merely because I think the rotation into commodities and the secular change higher in interest needs to have the main focus. 


I expect stocks to trade sideways for the balance of 2015 as I always following my "nine-month" rule which dictates that changes in the cost of capital will impact the market will a lag of nine month. I don't see stellar stock performance as the margin call would be an unpleasant surprise. The bigger risk probably is that for once I don't have a strong equity view.

I have now sold all my fixed income, increased my gold exposure, and I'm looking to buy mining companies and overall to increase my exposure to commodities beyond the normal allocation.
Remaining at "zero" is not an option for the real economy over the next 18 months. I expect the business cycle to come back with all the bells and whistles that entails after having spent seven years in hibernation. 


 Sometimes it's good to keep digging. Photo: iStock


– Edited by Clare MacCarthy

Steen Jakobsen is chief economist and CIO at Saxo Bank


Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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onsdag den 20. maj 2015

Steen’s Chronicle: ‘Don’t blame the messenger because the message is unpleasant’ - Ken Star (Major macro outlook for next 18-24 months)

Dear All,


This is the first major change to my long term outlook since Q3-2013. This model of course is not a crystal ball, but in the past it has called some reasonable early change to the macro environment and it always a good starting point for a discussion against a consensus which is dangerously realigned.


I hope it will give food for thoughts,





Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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onsdag den 13. maj 2015

Macro Digest : Why China is more important than FED - (A secular change in US rates drriven from the US)P

The "problem" with the China selling reserves argument:


It would have been going for a long considering that they moved from 4.0% surplus in 2014 to negative 1.0% now…..but of course some of it can be "extended" by RRR cut which equates to a need to sterilize 61 bln. US$ per 25 basis cut in RRR.  (RRR overview below)



China Capital and Financial account surplus of GDP



China current account is improving slightly….


China Current account % of GDP


M2 the net beneficiary of historic surplus on Current account ..


M2 China absolute and 12 month change….



China just posted the lowest GDP in 24 years – but to estimate impact of RRR cut in US$ and of course, the connection to selling zero coupon bonds globally, mainly US…





RRR is now 18.50% - the 20 yr average 12.00, but assuming significant more stimulus is needed to reignite China growth into Silk Road, we can conservative estimate RRR needs to go down. The BIS requirement is 4.5% - and the US operates with 6-8% since July 2013. In other words banking sector is allowed to leverage 22x outside US and 12.5% in the US – let's assume China goes to 12.00% 20-Y average.


Calculations then become:


(61 bln. US$ * ((20-12))*4 = 1.952 bln. USD.     (61 bln. US$ per 25 basis times 8% net change)


China FX reserves inclu. "loss of RRR cuts"





The "custody account" at Federal Reserve, i.e: other central banks holding remains as an aggregate largely unchanged since 2013, but Japan is now biggest "shareholder" of US Treasuries replacing China:




Combine this China "negative flow" with US monetary data:






Clearly, the secular wind of US bond market has changed – at face value China could become be the real catalyst for a low point in US rates, even before FED get on with their expected "margin call" / Normalisation rate hike later in 2015.


I have noticed in my way too long financial career that's if never in Washington (Fed) where changes is started – often it's Asia – during my early days in the market it was Japan (1987 crash started in Tokyo) and now it China.


China "saved" the world through biggest monetary stimulus in 2008/09 – bought time, now they are about to start the Silk Road, but to "free up capital" for this they need to sell down their close to zero earning stocks on t-bonds…….


My take however remains: Rates will creep higher  for all of the above reasons, but… it will lead to Europe recession and a US flirt with recession, which will give one more go at 1.5% in 10 YR US, as Fed restarts the engines too late in 2016.


In short: I see 3.25% 10 YR before year-end, then sub 1.5% on recession Light in the US. I see Gold in 1425/50 as rotation out of fixed income will benefit commodities at zero bound. Tangibles vs. Intangibles, Inflation hedge vs. deflation.


I am still working hard on Steen's Chronicle: Road Map to 2016 and beyond, but wanted to share my China thought with you as it has material impact on present rate view.


Safe travels,


Steen Jakobsen




Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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mandag den 11. maj 2015

MAcro Digest: Greece, IMF emergency plans and EURUSD & Bunds



Of course it would be naïve not to have plans, but clearly sign of growing concern – the Greek debt schedule now get real – big numbers over next 30 days, and increasingly Merkel is finding it harder and harder to get support for her "soft tone" with Greece at home (Links below)

Angela Merkel under pressure to give up on Greece

Schaeuble warns defaults can surprise as Greece crams for talks

Timeline for Greece debt (source: Goldman Sachs)


IMF Works With Bank Regulators on Contingency Plans for Greek Default

Discussions with authorities in southeastern Europe aimed at girding for potential failure of bailout talks


Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis arrives at the prime minister's office in Athens for a cabinet meeting Sunday, a day before eurozone finance chiefs meet to discuss the Greek crisis. Photo: YORGOS KARAHALIS/ASSOCIATED PRESS


May 10, 2015 6:04 p.m. ET

BRUSSELS—The International Monetary Fund is working with national authorities in southeastern Europe on contingency plans for a Greek default, a senior fund official said—a rare public admission that regulators are preparing for the potential failure to agree on continued aid for Athens.

Greek banks are big players in some of its neighbors' financial systems. In Bulgaria, subsidiaries of National Bank of Greece SA, ETE -2.38 % Alpha Bank SA, ALPHA -4.90 % Piraeus Bank SA TPEIR 1.52 % and Eurobank Ergasias SA EUROB -1.32 % own around 22% of banking assets, roughly the same as Greek banks own in Macedonia. Greek banks are also active in Romania, Albania and Serbia.

"We are in a dialogue with all of these countries," said Jörg Decressin, deputy director of the IMF's Europe department. "We are talking with them about the contingency plans they have, what measures they can take."

As part of the discussions, the IMF has asked national supervisors to ensure that subsidiaries of Greek banks have enough assets that they can exchange for emergency financing at their own central banks—in case financing from their parent institutions is suddenly cut off—and that deposit-insurance funds are at sufficient levels, he said.

Negotiations between Greece and its international creditors—the other eurozone countries and the IMF—have been advancing slowly, despite warnings from Greek officials that the government is close to running out of money.

"It would be foolish for anyone in the policy world not to be worried at this stage," Mr. Decressin said.

European officials expect no breakthroughs at a meeting of the currency union's finance ministers on Monday. That means Greek lenders will remain under pressure, dependent on relatively expensive liquidity from the Greek central bank and at risk of bank runs in case doubts emerge over their ability to pay out deposits.

Overall, the IMF believes that subsidiaries of Greek banks in southeastern Europe should be able to withstand the failure of their parent companies. "Our assessment of the Greek banks in that region is that they are fairly liquid; we have not seen major deposit outflow," Mr. Decressin said. Because they are subsidiaries, rather than branches, the lenders have to hold their own capital buffers and can refinance themselves at national central banks. That would make it easier to split them off from their parent banks if necessary.

The IMF has nevertheless urged national supervisors and governments to keep a close eye on the situation. "There is high-frequency monitoring going on at the level of the authorities and our advice is that this needs to continue," Mr. Decressin said.

One scenario that concerns the IMF is what could happen if panic over Greece's finances pushes savers in the region to pull their money out of Greek-owned banks. "These banks…may be totally fine, but there could still be in the population a perception, these are Greek banks and they are not fine, and people would turn up and try to withdraw their deposits. That is something you cannot model," Mr. Decressin said.

National safety nets have in the past been vulnerable to rumor-fueled bank runs. In June last year, the Bulgarian government had to take over Corporate Commercial Bank, after depositors pulled out their savings amid negative news reports about the lender's main shareholder. It took the government six months to compensate the bank's depositors, far longer than the 25 days mandated under European Union law.

Since then, the Bulgarian government has taken steps to bolster its deposit-insurance fund. The Bulgarian central bank, which supervises the country's banks, didn't respond to requests for comment.

Write to Gabriele Steinhauser at



Early this week pressure will be on Greece & EURO.

EURUSD: Small downside risk – 1.0870-ish before higher driven by Bunds on the upside and Greece on down-side. – I see overall correction of downside EURUSD to 1.1700/1.1800 before parity in late 2015/Early 2016….

Bunds: Broken down in my trading model – observe RED break line on chart – as long  as below we are environment of higher yields in unwinding of positions, Fed margin call & on the downside(yield) again Greece.

BUNDS futures (Source: Bloomberg LLP)



Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
Phone: +45 39 77 40 00  |  Direct: +45 39 77 62 23  |  Mobile: +45 51 54 50 00



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