mandag den 24. august 2015

Macro Digest: Quick Strategy Update: US$ is your lead CATALYST...


We are now 75% of the way in terms of correction – VaR explosion is driving momentum and the marginal selling…..




I have taken back (in system overrule) short in S&P and DAX, remain long EURSD and Gold.


S&P: Target 1875/1825  (another 5-6%)

Dax: 9310(9400


These levels fit correction depth and magnitude of prior moves. Chart to follow this pm.


Bank sector should hurt the most due to much flatter yield curve…..







We will be looking at FED hike still… September now priced @ 30% probability and December @ 56% - in other words – unlike other BTFD scenario's we don't have "guaranteed" support from US monetary policy, I still see Fed hiking as markets and price of money needs to clear at a higher interest rate price: ie. 100-200 bps higher. The September FED event will keep market nervous and highly volatile into the actual meeting.


Macro drivers:


The US$ is EVERYTHING – the DXY now leads the stocks market with R2 of 80%....... hence the "sell-off" in US$ over last three trading session is NET POSITIVE…….for markets/support.


Overall this correction was born not by China devaluation but by having a FIAT economy driven US$ debt….. the strong US$ hurt commodities, lower commodities hurt fiscal and FX rates in high volume growth countries (EM+ CHINA) and now full cycle to export driven markets like Germany and Europe overall.


Watch the US$ for LEAD in support or lack of it in markets.




If my WEAKER US$ get further confirmation I will be looking to add Emerging markets to my portfolio



Full Steen's Chronicle this p.m







Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
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