torsdag den 29. december 2016

Be the first to read the brand-new Mellon on the Markets

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Thursday 29 December 2016
Mellon on the Market
Dear Reader,

The latest issue of our popular "Mellon on the Markets" column has just been published.

You can find it here: Mellon on the Markets

Wishing all of you a happy, healthy and successful New Year!

Swen Lorenz
Editor, Master Investor

P.S.: If you haven't booked your tickets yet for the Master Investor Show 2017, I recommend you do it soon. Registered readers can claim up to 4 free tickets using discount code XMAS2016 on our ticket booking website.

The end of globalisation - we reveal the winners and losers
  • Good morning Vietnam - Wake up to the next emerging markets star
  • Small companies, big deals - the small caps punching above their weights
  • Neil Woodford - The secrets of Britain's best-known fund manager
  • Trumpanomics - What does it mean for your portfolio?
Click here to download as PDF
Click here to read in ISSUU format
Master Investor Magazine 19
Master Investor Ltd.
Suite 88, 22 Notting Hill Gate
London, W11 3JE

T: +44 7515 542707
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tirsdag den 27. december 2016

Macro Digest: Increase GEO and FX risk into Inauguration on January 20th, 2017

In history the next few weeks has been extremely volatile:





Buy Spot XAU/USD spot 1139.00 with stop below 1120.00


Increased market risk next three weeks as geo-political tension between China and the US coincides with what seems to be big FX outflow from China – a most dangerous cocktail.


This should be RISK negative & Gold/Metals positive.



There is something "odd" going on right now and it has all to do with China…


China 1-day REPO is spiking and hard so…  13.5% vs. avg. 6% - this is seen a "crack down" on "speculators against the CNY, but of course also reflects what seems big pressure to get money out / devalue.


More and more geo-political analyst thinks China can give Obama as "goodbye present" in the shape of another major move (weaker in the CNY) before his last day in the office on January 20th….




Add to this the oddity that BITCOIN is very bid to  (Bitcoin is prime vehicle used by Chinese speculators to avoid / getting money out)  - Bitcoin spiked more than 20%


Live map:





Finally, overnight GOLD rallied big despite stronger overall USD…




The geo-political lines are being drawned up!






Med venlig hilsen  |  Best regards
Steen Jakobsen  |  Chief Investment Officer


Saxo Bank A/S  |  Philip Heymans Allé 15  |  DK-2900 Hellerup
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fredag den 23. december 2016

The Twelve Days of Christmas

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Friday 23 December 2016
Dear Gutenberg,

We at Master Investor wish all of our readers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We'd like to thank you for your support over the last year and we will start publishing our newsletter again on the 3rd of January.
The Twelve Days of Christmas
by Victor Hill | Economics | 11 mins. to read
Twelve Days
Many people have been rather unkind to Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, over the course of 2016. Though I was never amongst those who gracelessly suggested he should "go home". After all, I believe in closer ties between Britain and Canada.

But, along with many commentators, I think the UK base rate cut from 0.5 percent to 0.25 percent on 04 August in the wake of the Brexit referendum was entirely unjustified. It was a late manifestation of Project Fear. This move looks even more maladroit given the Fed's 0.25 percent rate hike on 14 December.

One of the most illuminating articles on monetary economics that I read this year was in these pages, written by my colleague, Felipe R. Costa. It is a challenging read for non-economists; but Felipe convincingly explained why all of the QE-style central bank interventions have been bound to fail in their ostensive objective of stimulating demand. Why? Because they increase the velocity of circulation of money in the financial sector.

Click here to read the full story

Rockhopper Exploration: Above 2015 floor targets 40p plus

by Zak Mir | Trading | 1 mins. to read
It should be admitted that the Rockhopper Exploration (LON:RKH) journey has not exactly been a quick or easy one for its fans. However, at least from a charting perspective it may be that going into 2017 we are looking at a recovery situation.
Click here to read the full story

Beat Inflation
Beat inflation with a portfolio of real assets

by Filipe R Costa | Economics | 7 mins. to read
Preparing for higher inflation and interest rates After so many years of extreme monetary policy, of public and private deleveraging, of very low (to negative) interest rates and yields, and of slow economic growth and subdued inflation, the world is changing at the hand of Donald Trump.
Click here to read the full story

Stanley Gibbons: Above 10p could lead back towards 18p

by Zak Mir | Trading | 1 mins. to read
Stanley Gibbons (LON:SGI) was founded in 1856, but it would appear that the troubles at the stamp collecting group in the recent past have been worthy of a Dickensian novel.
Click here to read the full story

Get ready for a profitable 2017

With 2016 almost behind us and the Christmas holidays just around the corner, there will soon be plenty of time to spend with family but also to re-think your investment portfolio.
Click here to read the full story

Magic can hang around for longer than is convenient

by Evil Knievil | Evil Diaries | 1 mins. to read
MP Evans (LON:MPE) surprises me. It was always known that KLK would fail at the first acceptances stage with their 740p bid where the major shareholders (55%) had in mind perhaps 840p.
Click here to read the full story

"That man must be a misanthrope indeed, in whose breast something like a jovial feeling is not roused - in whose mind some pleasant associations are not awakened - by the recurrence of Christmas."
                                                Charles Dickens
TipTV Economic Nationalism

The end of globalisation - we reveal the winners and losers
  • Good morning Vietnam - Wake up to the next emerging markets star
  • Small companies, big deals - the small caps punching above their weights
  • Neil Woodford - The secrets of Britain's best-known fund manager
  • Trumpanomics - What does it mean for your portfolio?
Click here to download as PDF
Click here to read in ISSUU format
Master Investor Magazine 19
Master Investor Ltd.
Suite 88, 22 Notting Hill Gate
London, W11 3JE

T: +44 7515 542707
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