fredag den 9. september 2016

Brexit Means…Perplexity – Just Like in Chess

Brexit Means…Perplexity – Just Like in Chess

By Victor Hill

Brexit Means…Perplexity – Just Like in Chess The European politicians who perpetually nudge the United Kingdom to get on with it (that is, to trigger Article 50 and to set out, point-by-point, the definitive post-Brexit blueprint) are like junior chess players who huff and puff because their opponent spends too much time making his first move. They can't understand that considered meditation is itself a tactic in chess – discombobulate your opponent in the early game by pondering which pawn to move forward (one or two squares?) and you gain a psychological advantage. But the final plan will only become clear in the end-game.

To be fair to the Euro-moaners, complaint and indignation is itself a negotiation tactic. (Though one that Mrs May and her team should blithely ignore). It is designed to disquiet the opponent by engendering self-doubt about their purposefulness (which, in chess, as in life, is to win)

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The Master Investor Market Report

  • The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,776.95, a decrease of 81.75 points.
  • The FTSE 250 fell 298.94 points to finish at 17,894.19.
  • The FTSE All Share dropped 46.68 points to finish at 3,701.38.
  • The FTSE AIM All Share ended the day at 805.39, down by 3.48 points.

Pub operator JD Wetherspoons (JDW) said that it had booked revenues of £1.59 billion for the year ended 24th July, a 5.4% improvement over the previous 12 months. Profits before tax increased by 3.6% to £80.6 million despite pressure being placed on margins by the introduction of the government's "living wage" which significantly raised the largest element of Wetherspoon's cost base. Shares in the business climbed 2.44% to 946.50p.   

Don't miss our September issue! Click HERE to read.

Dechra Pharmaceuticals (DPH) has had its latest generic antibiotic approved for sale in the US by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is part of the development portfolio that the compay received following its recent takeover of Putney and represents its first entry in the substantial antbiotics market. Shares in Dechra Pharmaceuticals fell 20p to 1,334p.

Hospitality group Richoux (RIC) was also heavily impacted by the introduction of the living wage and swung to a loss of £0.58 million for the 28 weeks ended 10th July. Turnover did increase by 5.7% to £7.08 million as the company opened three new sites. Management remain hopeful about the future and will continue to open new outlets as opportunities present themselves. The shares closed at 21.50p, down by 4.44%.

Monday's news today

Abcam (ABC) will release final results.

Quote of the day

"The more laws, the less justice."
- Cicero

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