tirsdag den 6. september 2016

Where are the post-Brexit returns?

With bonds and blue chip stocks struggling to yield returns, interest rates at an all-time low and plummeting property prices, where can we turn to in search of alpha returns?

Attend SyndicateRoom's Where are the post-Brexit returns? event on 20th September, London, to hear some answers.

Confirmed speakers include:
  • Simon French, Chief Economist, Panmure Gordon
  • Dr Mark Payton, CEO, Mercia Technologies PLC
  • David Toplas, Chief Executive, Mill Group and serial angel investor
  • Tom Britton, SyndicateRoom Co-Founder
Five exciting high-growth companies will also be pitching for investment on the night. (See which ones here.)

More than 1,200 investors registered for our last event, and this time there are only 150 seats available. See you there.
Register here

Many happy returns,

Marcin Zaba
Investor Relations Manager
Tel: 01223 478 558

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