tirsdag den 18. juli 2017

Think twice before transferring out of your final salary pension

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Tuesday 18 July 2017
Think twice before transferring out of your final salary pension
by Alan Steel | 6 mins. to read
If you're a typical Master Investor reader there's every chance that at some stage you've been a member of a Final Salary Pension Scheme with a former employer. Or maybe you're still in the job. Whatever the case may be, it's likely the scheme doesn't take any payments from staff anymore or allow new employees to join. So what? I hear you ask.

Well unless you've been living in a cave for the last few years, you will have noticed that these "antique" group savings schemes are allegedly in trouble, thanks to a long history of poorly thought-out legal changes and years of mismanagement. And that's just for starters.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the previous Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, faced with a shortage of tax revenues, decided folks sitting in pension plans worried about retirement income were an easy target…

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Tech trustThe UK technology trust delivering market-beating returns

by Nick Sudbury Funds 2 mins. to read
Technology is transforming the world and changing the way we do things. Until a few years ago developments like robotics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality were rarely to be found outside of science fiction, but many of them are now part of our everyday lives.
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Gene TherapyGene therapy comes of age

by Victor Hill Equities 10 mins. to read
Oxford BioMedica may have a cure for leukaemia. Its share price has soared since the last week of June. Its treatment uses a modified version of the HIV virus to insert a cancer-killing gene into patients' cells. This is a stunning example of how gene therapy will revolutionise medicine in the future.
Click here to read the full story

"Patience is the companion of wisdom."
                                              Saint Augustine

The Aviation Revolution - And How To Profit From It
  • Jim Mellon - The Master Investor sounds the black swan alert
  • Neil Woodford - Was the star manager right to sell Glaxo and hold AstraZeneca?
  • Private equity renaissance - Why investors are flocking back to this exciting asset class
  • Fantastic Fundraisers - Profit from freshly funded small cap stars
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