While shares generally make up the bulk of most people's investment portfolios, some investors may be tempted by alternative assets. They could include items such as rare stamps, classic cars or fine wines, for example.
As well as offering diversity, such assets could deliver high returns in the long run. For example, over the last 12 years an investment in classic cars has risen by over 300%. During the same time period, the FTSE 100 has risen by around 34%.
by Evil Knievil| Evil Diaries| 1 mins. to read Dyson to electrify the West Country: I think Sir James Dyson's intervention in the electric car market is very telling. He is clearly very intelligent and the public believe in him. He could float Dyson vehicles right now.
by Nick Sudbury|1 mins. to read The easiest way to improve your investment returns is to invest in a tax efficient account like a pension or ISA. These allow you to minimise your tax liabilities so that you get to keep more of the income and capital gains for yourself.
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