tirsdag den 3. oktober 2017

Mellon on the Markets: 

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Tuesday 3 October 2017
Mellon on the Markets
by Jim Mellon | Economics | 5 mins. to read
Mellon on the Markets
What to write about this month? Victor Hill has already – and brilliantly – covered Catalonia, and I have banged on about Longevity long enough (pun intended). But the latest book (Juvenescence) is now  out – at last – and the launch party for journos, collaborators as well as  friends and family, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in London last week – with the wonderful Aubrey de Grey in attendance – went well and in a suitably jolly (bibulous!) and juvenescent manner. From MI, Swen, Evil, Leo and Amanda were there. We are putting a great team together.  

Markets continue to defy gravity, notwithstanding all of the evident (at least to old market grizzlies like me, Bill Blain and Evil Knievil) pointers that there is more froth than a tired old Starbucks latte in global markets.

Click here to read the full story

EvilIt's costing me right now

by Evil Knievil Evil Diaries 1 mins. to read
The problem with trying to kill an idea, whether religious or political, is that the task is impossible. Hitler tried and failed and so also did Stalin. So what possesses the Madrid government to think it can thump the Catalans into submission goodness only knows.
Click here to read the full story

Early Retirement3 steps to an early retirement

by Alan Steel | 1 mins. to read
I was recently interviewed about my life all the way back to when I was born. The goal was to find out anything that could have influenced my success as an independent financial advisor helping thousands over the last forty odd years to aim for well-funded "want for nothing" retirements, early or otherwise.
Click here to read the full story
"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd."
                                             Bertrand Russell
Arms Race

The new arms race - 15 stocks to dominate the modern battlefield
  • The bitcoin surge - A new era for money or a dangerous bubble?
  • Defensive funds  - Protect your wealth in a market meltdown
  • Early retirement - How to reach it in three simple steps
  • Brand value - Why big brands can equal big returns
Click here to read online
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