tirsdag den 18. april 2017

How management change has made Tesco a star buy

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Tuesday 18 April 2017
How management change has made Tesco a star buy
by Robert Stephens | Equities | 4 mins. to read
Less than three years ago, Tesco (LON:TSCO) was in dire straits. It had recently announced a possible overstatement of profits, its sales growth was negative and its outlook was downbeat. Fast forward to today and the company's potential for rising profitability as well as an increasing share price is high.

The catalyst for this revolution is the company's CEO, Dave Lewis, and the rest of its management team. Although a relative unknown when he took the job in September 2014, he has had a huge influence on the company's fortunes. He and his team have made the business smaller, simpler and provided a clear sense of identity for a company which was becoming lost in its pursuit of conglomerate-like status.

The speed of change at the company has probably surprised most investors. However, it shows the difference which can be made by having the right management team in place. In my view, a company's reputation, balance sheet strength and economic moat count for little unless the right team is in place to manage it. 

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MotifMotif Bio: Gap higher after extended base targets as high as 60p

by Zak Mir Trading 1 mins. to read
It should have been the case that investors in the area of antibiotics development had a smooth ride on the share price front, given the necessity of developing new drugs in this area.
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Evil"Remember you're a Womble"

by Evil Knievil Evil Diaries 1 mins. to read
Master Investor's Swen Lorenz suggested to the Sunday Times to interview me for its Fame and Fortune series. The article struck me as courteous enough. Indeed, a relation told me that it made him proud to be a Cawkwell.
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How to make sense of bond madness

by Filipe R Costa | Economics | 6 mins. to read
After some initial enthusiasm, investors are now having second thoughts about the reflation trade and once again pouring more money into bonds, as inflation is expected to remain low for longer than first appeared.
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Where will Sterling go from here? Here's a prediction…

by Victor Hill | Economics | 8 mins. to read
At the Master Investor Show in London on 25 March, which many of my readers will have attended, one question came up again and again to the various luminaries gathered to dispense their insights and knowledge. Where do you foresee Sterling going?
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Arian Silver: 2016 price channel target at 2p

by Zak Mir | Trading | 1 mins. to read
As I have been reliably informed that Silver plays are a better play on precious metals than Gold, it seems correct to take a look at the recent recovery in a leading mining minnow.
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"We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork."
                                                Milton Friedman
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