tirsdag den 25. april 2017

The latest Mellon on the Markets

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Tuesday 25 April 2017
Mellon on the Markets
by Jim Mellon | Economics | 5 mins. to read
It's been a month since the Master Investor Show, and it's been a busy one. Markets have basically gone nowhere, except for the post-Macron relief rally which, if you ask me, will soon peter out. I've been busy getting the Juvenescence book done, and I think I am now about 70% of the way there. It's a tough, but worthwhile, subject; and though it's behind schedule, we will all have so much more of it because of longevity. A month's delay is but a blink of the eye!

The book will showcase three portfolios for those interested in investing in the area of longevity, each tailored to different risk appetites. With nearly one fifth of US GDP devoted to healthcare, most of it spent in the last two years of people's lives, something has to be found to reduce the burden of disease in the elderly.

Two thirds of all deaths are the result of cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes and cancer; there is good news in abundance for three of these, and somewhat halting and disappointing progress in the area of dementia.

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WoodfordDisappointing year for the Woodford Patient Capital Trust

by Nick Sudbury Funds 5 mins. to read
The £757m Woodford Patient Capital Trust (LON:WPCT) has recently announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2016. These show that it was a disappointing year for investors in the fund with the NAV falling 4.2% and the share price losing almost 10%.
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Sirius MineralsSirius Minerals: U-shaped reversal higher continues

by Zak Mir Trading 1 mins. to read
When showing others in its sector how to deliver the process of transitioning from a resource to a fully-fledged development project, Sirius Minerals (LON:SXX) has proved to be quite a revelation.
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Banks to lead the way in the great Brazilian recovery

by Adam Patterson | Equities | 7 mins. to read
The focus of this article is to look at the investment potential in Brazilian blue-chip banks. But let´s quickly recap the macro view around Brazil, which as always, is dynamic.
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Cancellation Week

by Evil Knievil | Evil Diaries | 1 mins. to read
Corbyn has missed a trick in coming up with just four extra bank holidays. He needs a fifth known as – what else – St Jeremy's Day. And then he should show a stroke of genius: he should join them all together in just one week.
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Wandisco: Gap higher through 50 day line targets 650p

by Zak Mir | Trading | 1 mins. to read
One of the golden rules of investing is that you should understand the business you are invested in. In the case of Wandisco (LON:WAND), this might not be so easy for some. 
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"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."
                                                H.L. Mencken
Empowering Investors

Driving into the future - Move your portfolio up a gear with the automotive revolution
  • High income - The fund that pays 5%
  • Jim Slater - The secrets to success of the man behind the "Zulu Principle"
  • The dogs of AIM - How to profit from high-yielding small caps
  • Jim Mellon - The master investor reveals his latest "money fountain"
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